Reporting in PowerSchool


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Presentation transcript:

Reporting in PowerSchool Marshall Foster, ESL/ Title III Consultant

Annual LEP Headcount LEP PD Survey Timeline

LEP Headcount Purpose In accordance with SL 2003-284, Section 7.15(b), the Department of Public Instruction is required to prepare a headcount of all limited English proficient (LEP) students and report it to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by December 1 of each year. State funds Federal funds

Count Calculation Criteria LEP Status = ‘Current’ Registration date <= 10/1 Withdrawal date >10/1 or is Null Aggregate Counts are determined by student records in PowerSchool. Counts page is modified by refresh of calculations Records must exist for the student to be counted Counts cannot be added/updated by user Aggregates on: PK, K13 active and withdrawn Private Schools         Status has to be Current and it has to be active for this school year, if student left in 14-15 w/Current then would show up as current in 15-16 due to automatic EOY rollover, but with no attendance in 15-16 then student would have an inactive LEP status for 16-17, hence the WAPT Students have to have a registration date on or before Oct 1, so if you’ve got any schools who are slow in registering… If a student with an active Current EL status withdraws after Oct 1, that student still counts Counts-every time a new Current LEP record is created then the counts page will be modified Records means LEP status through the creation by WAPT entry/upload or manual LEP status creation In some cases your non-public’s aggregate will be included in the K13 field, non-publics are entered in school 293 LEP

Checking your Data Compare data: PS (sql4, LEP Roster), vendor, warehouse/Excel file, Cum folder -Students with ELP scores, no LEP status -Students with LEP status, no scores -Students with old LEP status -Students with no status & no scores Students with WAPT or ACCESS scores but no LEP status, Students with an LEP status but no WAPT or ACCESS scores, Students with prior year now inactive status or incorrect i.e. Exited, Never etc.. These are students who have some data that would allow you to investigate whether or not the student should in fact be identified (US School entry date, country of birth, scheduled in ESL)

Student Roster Reports include: Condensed LEP Roster – A condensed roster report of all students with a Current LEP Status based upon current enrollment LEP Roster – This report mirrors the previous Consolidated Federal Data Collection roster. It can include all status and only students who are active. This report should be utilized for reconciling third –party applications. MFLEPS – Lists all students who have exited LEP identification within the previous two years (Monitored Former Limited English Proficient Students). Student Testing Score Roster – This report finds the student’s most recent ACCESS test result and matches the student with the current enrollment. It is designed so that teachers/administrators/etc. can have a comprehensive overview of students’ testing performance within a school building.

Student Roster You may access the reports from the Start Page by: 1. Selecting ReportWorks 2. Selecting sqlReports 4 3. Selecting LEP 4. Select the applicable report

Should you have difficulty accessing these reports, please contact your PowerSchool administrator. LEP Coordinator’s should be in the PowerSchool group: 218 LEP Coordinator Stack Data Export Access Stack Data Export Manager Export/Edit Access

Validating and Approving Counts Here’s a screenshot of the count’s page, you’ll see the column headings starting with K-13 across and the fields beneath are the ones that will be populated, you will see the first two columns, you would only see the next 4 columns if you actually create records for these students (private and PK)

Pre-K and Private Schools All students must be in PowerSchool Pre-K students served in a traditional reporting school (School number above 300) LEP students enrolled in other program schools (290 – 299) do not need to be cross-enrolled Pre-K cross-enroll & private enroll in LEP School (LEP, 293) Create the LEP record through manual entry If you have a PK in a 300+ school, these students will automatically be counted, those PK below 300 cross enroll in 293, but if you have a lot we’ll more than likely take an Excel file, more information to come.

LEP Data Entry This is a screenshot of what it looks like when you add a student manually using the the LEP module.  Adding students such as Pre-K or private

Out of School Student For your non-public students, you will need to create a PS record within 293, then create their LEP record per the prior slide.

LEP PD Survey Federal mandate-the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) Collection is in PS Must be completed prior to End of Year (EOY) The CSPR collects the data that is required by federal regulations which mandate the requirements for the Secretary of Education's report to Congress and the report on the Department's Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

Additional Reporting State and Federal Reporting Program Monitoring Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN) Longitudinal Data Warehouse (CEDARS) Program Monitoring This will be covered more in detail with our 10:30 presentation

Important Dates to Remember LEP Headcount Webinar 9/27/2016, 10:00 am – 11:30 am October 10/03/2016 - 10/28/2016 Immigrant Headcount February 2/3/2017 - 2/25/2017 LEP PD Survey Completed by May 2017

Timeline August September October January February March April Data Correction Window for ACCESS 2016 W-APT administrations September October October Headcount January ACCESS Administration training February ACCESS testing Immigrant Headcount March ACCESS test window closes March April Demographic Data Validation May/June ACCESS scores EOY LEPPD Survey