London’s Parks Выполнила: Александрова М.В., учитель английского языка, МБОУ «ЦО №26» г. Тулы.


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Presentation transcript:

London’s Parks Выполнила: Александрова М.В., учитель английского языка, МБОУ «ЦО №26» г. Тулы

London’s Parks Londoners love their parks and are proud of them. London is very rich in parks and gardens. You can spend the whole day in the country – without leaving London.

London’s Parks London’s parks are full of trees, grass, ponds and small lakes. You can walk among the green trees, relax on the boat in one of the ponds, admire the beautiful flowers and plants or take part in the many activities, such as tennis, swimming and horse-riding.

London’s Parks There are eight Royal Parks in and around London. Four of them are situated in the center of London: Hyde Park, St. James’s Park and Kensington Gardens.

Hyde Park Hyde Park is the biggest of these four. It is famous for its outdoor activities. Londoners ride their bikes and roller-skate on the park roads, play tennis or go horse-riding.

Hyde Park There is a place called the Speaker’s Corner in the Park. On Sunday mornings anyone can speak about anything he or she believes to be important.

St James’s Park St James’s Park, the oldest of London’s parks, is very beautiful with its green trees and colourful flowers and the view of Buckingham Palace.

St James’s Park This park’s lake has been home to many wild birds, including swans, pelicans and geese. In summer there are free concerts in the center of the park.

Kensington Gardens In Kensington gardens, you can see the statue of the famous fairytale hero, Peter Pan. This park is to the west of Hyde Park.

Regent’s Park You can also visit Regent’s Park where you will find a rose garden, several children’s playgrounds, a lake and a theatre, where in summer you can enjoy Shakespeare’s plays outdoors. Since 1828 Regent’s Park has been home to the London Zoo.

The London Zoo The London Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in the world. There are about 5,000 animals (from tigers and giraffes to crocodiles and lizards) that live in the London Zoo. London’s parks and gardens are free to all.

Answer the questions 1. Which of London’s parks is the biggest? 2. Which of London’s parks is the oldest? 3. Which of London’s parks is famous for its speaker’s Corner? 4. Which of London’s parks has the statue of a fairytale hero? 5. Which of London’s parks has been home to the zoo for a long time? 6. What are all of London’s parks rich in? 7.What do Londoners and tourists like to do in the parks?

Использованные ресурсы Учебник «Английский с удовольствием» (5 класс) М.З. Биболетовой, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубаневой.