Catalyst—8/25/2016 Go to the class website on your cell phone and read the question posted in today’s post. If you do not have a cell phone, ask one of your partners for the question. Answer the question on your Catalyst paper.
Agenda Catalyst Scientific Notation Video Scientific Notation Practice Significant Figures Video Significant Figures Practice
Scientific Notation Video
Practice—Refer to this worksheet
Practice Numbers 1-5 with partner (A with D) Numbers 6-10 individually Positive Exponent Negative Exponent
Review—Definitions Look up any definitions that you do not know. Can work with partners
Significant Figures Video
Practice Numbers 1-5 with partner (A with D) Numbers 6-10 individually
Write these problems on a separate sheet of paper and answer them. KEEP THIS PAPER FOR TOMORROW. Label it “Significant Figures Practice” Write your name and class period at the top of the paper. Numbers 1-6 with partner (A with B) Numbers 7-12 individually
Review Tuesday Test Wednesday Quiz on MONDAY! Review Tuesday Test Wednesday
For Friday Due Items Signed Syllabus Class Supplies Student Survey Signed Lab Safety Contract Catalyst Scientific Method Foldable Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Dimensional Analysis Learning Scientific Notation Measuring and Significant Figures