What is a Neighborhood Watch? Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the active participation of citizens in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime in the Communities.
What is Neighborhood Watch? A network of neighbors are trained by a crime prevention officer to protect them- selves and their property, as well as how to serve effectively as additional EYES and EARS for law enforcement agencies in their communities.
What is a Neighborhood Watch? Neighborhood watch is citizens joining with the police to take the responsibility in ensuring the safety of their homes and neighborhoods, and improving the quality of life.
The Goals and Philosophy of Neighborhood Watch: To increase the awareness level of citizens with respect to crime through education
The Goals and Philosophy of Neighborhood Watch: Motivation – citizens becoming involved
The Goals and Philosophy of Neighborhood Watch: 3. Organization – organizing residents and neighborhoods on a street by street basis
The Goals and Philosophy of Neighborhood Watch: 4. Mobilization – residents active taking back their neighborhoods. This training should enhance each neighborhood’s ability to accomplish those goals, thereby, making and keeping their neighborhoods safe places to live, work and play.
An effective Neighborhood Watch: It is the objective of the Neighborhood Watch program to provide citizens with information that will allow them to better protect their families, homes, properties, and communities. Effective operation of the program is dependent upon the active participation of a majority of citizens. Citizen’s participation is one of the most effective tools against crime because the job of stopping burglary, robbery, or sexual assault is impossible for police to accomplish alone.
Three key aspects of Neighborhood Watch: Neighbors getting to know one another, and working together in a program of mutual assistance. Citizens being trained to recognize and report suspicious and/or criminal activity. Crime prevention techniques, such as Home Security Surveys, Operation ID, and Watch Your Car Program.
First, check the community for things that might What to Look for: First, check the community for things that might contribute to crime such as: Poor street lighting Abandoned cars Vacant lots littered with debris Boarded up buildings High shrubbery and bushes
What to LOOK for: Someone running from a car or home Someone screaming, if you can’t determine what the screams are for, call the police and report it Someone going from door-to-door in the neigh- borhood or looking into windows and parked cars A person who seems to have no purpose wandering in the neighborhood
What to LOOK for: Any unusual or suspicious noise that you can’t you can’t explain, such as breaking glass or pounding Vehicles moving slowly, with no lights, or no apparent destination Business transactions conducted from the vehicle. This could involve the sale of drugs or stolen goods.
What to LOOK for: Offers to sell merchandise at ridicously low prices. It’s probably stolen. Property carried by persons on foot at an unusual hour or place, especially if the person is running Property being removed from closed businesses or residences known to be unoccupied
What to LOOK for: A stranger entering a neighbor’s home that appears to be unoccupied A child resisting the advances of an adult
said they were renting it out” “Mary works in Reston, VA Examples of valuable information neighbors of a community know that the police may not have knowledge of: “That car wasn’t here last night” “The Johnson’s moved and still own the house, but they never said they were renting it out” “Mary works in Reston, VA and never comes home before 6pm” “I haven’t seen Jake in over a week and his mail is piling up” “Kat and Marcus is out of town” “He doesn’t live around here”
Call 911 if: A crime is in progress!!!
Call 911: Burglary Robbery Stolen Vehicle or Theft from Auto Weapon Involved (be ready to describe) Domestic Violence Car accident with injuries Kidnapping or attempt to lure a child Sexual Assault Felonious Assault
The non emergency number is 301-352-1200 Not a police matter, don’t know who to call, Dial County Click 311
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