FATE Quick write in your journal: What does it mean to be master of your own fate? What is free will?
Greek Roots Complete the Greek Roots handout. Create a super hero by combining several roots into a name. Create a back story with your character as the hero. Include 10 words that contain Greek Roots in the story. Highlight the words. Create a visual of your hero.
Moirai Research the Moirai in Greek Culture. Take notes over what you find. Research other cultures’ ideas of the fates. Take notes over what you find. Make a chart or Venn Diagram with similarities and differences between cultural views of Fate. Answer in a quick write in your journal: Are protagonists controlled by fate, or do they exercise free will?
HOMER Research Homer: When was he alive? What is significant about him? How do his works standout among other Greek texts? Research The Iliad: What is it? What events led up to the battle of Troy? What myth specifically engendered the war? What heroes are involved in the story? What was Odysseus’s contribution? You are not limited to the above. Tell me everything you need to about these topics.
THE ODYSSEY Read Book 5. Write a summary. Predict what will happen next based on the foreshadowing. Reference the foreshadowing in the text.
Friday Read Book 10. Keep triple column notes over fate and free will while reading.
Tuesday Read Book XI. Keep triple column notes. Answer the following questions in your journal: 1) What does Tiresias tell Odysseus he must avoid to make it home safely? 2) What must he do after he kills the suitors according to prophecy? 3) What killed Odysseus’s mom? 4) Why does Agamemnon not trust women? 5) Research Tityus, Tantulus, and Sisyphus. What did they do to deserve their punishment? Get with a partner and go through the Our Town packet. Share answers and write down next to each question why your answer is correct and the other choices are incorrect- especially if you have different answers than your partner. You are permitted to change answers if your partner convinces you that your original answers are incorrect. I will tell you the actual answers tomorrow. This is a grade. You may work with ONE person only.
Book 9 Read book 9. Keep triple column notes. Add these exploits to your map. Add to your notes the characteristics of each group of people that Odysseus and his men have encountered thus far. In other words, what behaviors define each group so far? What characteristics do Odysseus’s men exercise that get them killed? What characteristics does Odysseus exhibit that prevent his being killed?
Book 12 Read book 12. Continue with triple column notes. What advice does Circe give? What advice does Odysseus follow?
Book 13 Read Book 13 Continue triple column notes Write 10 full sentences from the selection that contain Participle Phrases. Write the ENTIRE sentence and page number. Underline the phrase. Document 2 of the following in full sentences and page number with the element underlined: prepositional phrases, infinitives, similes, extended metaphors (will necessitate more than one sentence), alliteration, images, and appositives.
Thursday, 23 Finish your book 13 assignment. Read book 14 for enjoyment. No assignment.
Book 17 page 279-299 Read and write a half page summary. Continue triple column notes.