The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power Electricity Supply Enterprise Kachin State Office Priorities and Detailed Description of Electrification Plan For Kachin State Date -21.Oct.2015
Priority Electrification Project List for Kachin State National Electrificatiion Plan all real excitied in Kachin State. There are (132) Villages which are within 2 Miles From the Exciting Line and are needed to implement for Electrification from National Electrification Plan Project; In 2014 -2015 Fiscal year (13) villages from Fund of Kachin State Government and In 2015- 2016 fiscal year (112) villages are also from Fund of Kachin State Government . Electrification are now Implementing Only ( 7) villages are Left. So; As these ( 7) villages are intend to implement With the fund of 2016 – 2017 Fiscal year by Capital Fund of Kachin State Government . Now a day ; some of Substation are fully load. So 66kV & 33 kV Substation are needed to be promoted to higher Capacity and to be Implement new substation at the Load center of each District .
Present Location Map of Kachin State
List of Electrificied Villages from the National Grid in Kachin State Sr No District Township No; Villages No; House Hold No ; Population Electrificied Villages Remark 1 Myitkyinar 44 8778 53296 28 2 Winemaw 99 11676 70053 43 Myitkyinar District 143 20454 123349 71 3 Moehnyin 117 21138 119053 90 4 Hopin 27 4599 26226 23 5 Moegaung 73 19354 114139 Kaming 7 2508 14498 Moehnyin District 224 47599 273916 186 6 Bamaw 77 12119 67721 31 Shwegu 7280 55884 30 8 Moemauk 106 7021 37638 59 9 Mansi 234 12190 68969 13 Bamaw District 516 38610 230212 133 Kachin State 883 106663 627477 390
Present Location Map of Myitkyinar District Myitykyinar Town ship No. of Villages - 44 Nos Household - 8778 Population - 53296 Electrified Villages - 28 Winemaw Town ship No. of Villages - 99 Nos Household - 11676 Population - 70053 Electrified Villages - 43
Present Location Map of Moehnyin District Moehnyin Town ship No. of Villages - 117 Nos Household - 21138 Population - 119053 Electrified Villages - 90 Hopin Town ship No. of Villages - 27 Nos Household - 4599 Population - 26226 Electrified Villages - 23 Moegaung Town ship No. of Villages - 73 Nos Household - 19354 Population - 114139 Electrified Villages - 71 Kamaing Town ship No. of Villages - 7 Nos Household - 2508 Population - 14498 Electrified Villages - 2
Present Location Map of Bahmaw District Bamaw Town ship No. of Villages - 77 Nos Household - 12119 Population - 67721 Electrified Villages - 31 ShweguTown ship No. of Villages - 99 Nos Household - 7280 Population - 55884 Electrified Villages - 30 Moemauk Town ship No. of Villages - 106 Nos Household - 7021 Population - 37638 Electrified Villages - 59 Mansi Town ship No. of Villages - 234 Nos Household - 12190 Population - 68969 Electrified Villages - 13
66/33/11kV substation and HV ;MV line for Kachin State The additional electrification statement due to Extention and upgrading 66/33/11kV substation and HV ;MV line for Kachin State Ser ial Township To be constructed The effective area( within 10 Miles effctive Area) Estimated cost (million kyats) Remark Substation 66kV line (mile) 33kV line (mile) Total villages Household population Material Installation 1 Mohnyin 66/11kV 10 MVA - 16 2120 11442 351 11 362 Replacement ( 5 to 10 MVA) 2 Moegaung 27 2749 13425 1315.75 41.5 1357.25 Upgrate ( 5 + 10 ) MVA 3 Shwegu 5 MVA 9 1012 4350 120 131 ( 3 to 5 MVA) 4 Bahmaw(Sin Khan) 0.6 10 1759 7823 1560.54 174.08 1734.62 Extention 5 Mohnyin(Mawhan) 8 2292 13084 1234.05 1408.13 6 Waimaw 3260 17358 1596.49 171.44 1767.93 7 Mohnyin(Nyaungbin) 33/11kV 3 MVA 1466 9306 610 134.46 744.46 1.2 94 14658 76788 6787.83 717.56 7505.39 Remark – 66/11 kV ; 5 MVA X’mer of Moehnyin Substation is intend to reuse for Mawhan Substation
Electrification & Implementation plan of kachin State
Electrification Plan for Kachin State Within 2 Miles From Existing 11kV Distribution Line No Township Name of Village To be Electrified No of House House hold Popu lation To be constructed ( withiin 2 Miles Effctive Arae) Estimated cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line 11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Miles) Estimat ed Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Material Purchase Transp ort Cost Constr uction Total KVA Transport Costl Construction Cost 1 Shwegu Pu Khaing 66 334 2 47.82 4.0 7.66 59.476 160 13.244 0.5 0.8 14.544 74.02 1.5 68.0835 Moemauk Lon jar 44 212 0.4 9.56 1.53 11.8952 50 9.803 11.103 22.9982 45.389 3 Dotphon yann Naungpaing 22 118 23.908 2.0 3.830 29.738 40.841 22.6945 4 Chiphwe Nann Owe 6 31 0.2 9,0788 5 Narmawzoupt 16 109 Lae law 14 74 11.95 1.0 1.92 14.869 25,972 7 Aww Chate 8 0.3 13.617 176 928 6.9 164.96 10.2 26.43 205.192 460 72.06 3.5 5.6 81.162 286.3542 226.945 10
Electrification Plan for Villages of Bamaw District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) Dotphonyann Town ship No. of Villages - 1 Nos Household - 22 Estimated Cost - 40.841 (mil kyats) Naung Pain ShweguTown ship No. of Villages - 1 Nos Household - 66 Estimated Cost - 74.02 (mil kyats) MoemaukTown ship No. of Villages - 1 Nos House hold - 44 Estimated Cost - 22.9982 (mil kyats) Lone Jar Pu Khai
Electrification Plan for Villages of Myitkyinar District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) ChiphweTown ship No. of Villages - 4 Nos Household - 42 Estimated Cost - 148.495 (mil kyats) Chiphwe Lae law Naa Owe Aww Chate Narmaw Zoupt Chiphwenge Hydro Power Plant ( 99 MW x 4)
The Statement of Fiscal Yearly Budjet and Electrified Connection for Kachin State Sr, No Fiscal Year State Capital Budget for ESE (mil Kyats) State Capital Budget for DRD (mil Kyats) Electrified Connection On Grid Off Grid Total Cost for 11kV Line & 11/0.4 Tr Total Cost for 400V Line Total Village (Nos) Consumer (Nos) 1 2014-2015 Estimate (BE+RE) 5790.65 6967.35 12758.00 1172 171 16587 77 5860 2 2015-2016 Estimate (BE+RE) 8652.20 10160.00 18812.20 1641.2 140 13320 206 11330 3 2016-2017 Budget Estimate (BE) 6334.04 5506.18 11840.22 - 60 5580 21 1785 Grand Total 20776.90 22633.53 43410.43 2813.2 371 35487 304 18975
Main Materials List Transported to Bahmo District Office,kachin State ( 3 Villages within 2 mile from exciting 11 kV Line) Sr No Description Unit Quantities Transported Site 1 11/0.4 kV ,100 kVA Transformer 3 Bamow District , PMO Office 2. 10 meter Concrete Pole ( Transformer + Line) 159 Disconnecting Switch;Lightening Arresstor and Drop Out Fuse Set 4 ASCR 95 sqmm Ton 7.82 5 Disc Insulator with Tension Fitting 102 6 Pin Insulator with Spindle 459 7 Other Line Materials( Channel, Angle,Clamp ; etc)
( 4 Villages within 2 mile from exciting 11 kV Line Main Materials List Transported to Myitkyinar District Office, Kachin State ( 4 Villages within 2 mile from exciting 11 kV Line Sr No Description Unit Quantities Transported Site 1 11/0.4 kV ,100 kVA Transformer 4 Myitkyinar District , PMO Office 2. 10 meter Concrete Pole ( Transformer + Line) 166 3 Disconnecting Switch;Lightening Arresstor andDrop Out Fuse Set ASCR 95 sqmm Ton 8.05 5 Disc Insulator with Tension Fitting 105 6 Pin Insulator with Spindle 473 7 Other Line Materials( Channel, Angle,Clamp ; etc)