Refunds Workflow
Refund Wizard: A Workflow Application What are the advantages? How do I access the wizard? What are the different screens in the wizard? How are batches created, reviewed, approved and processed? What happens after I process a refund batch?
Refund Wizard: Advantages Refunds in batches will not conflict with each other, eliminating conflicts with business processes. Time is saved by integrating refund-related screens into one application. Easy ability to see who is working on a refund helps facilitate transaction management. No need to transfer to tax unit 8011 to process. All data can be exported to Microsoft Excel with one click.
Refund Wizard: Advantages No need to print proof of payment copies. Check date does not have to be manually entered for each account on account master to calculate interest for litigated refunds. Mail To Agents are handled by printing the agent’s mailing address on the check, rather than typing separate envelopes. TCS notes will be updated when a refund is placed into a batch. Design reviewed by county auditors.
Refund wizard: How to access From ACT TCS menu: Go to Update Click on Refunds The refund wizard will launch and open in a new window in Internet Explorer If you do not see the refund wizard appear on your screen, look on your task bar to see if it opened in an Internet Explorer window in the background
Refund Wizard: Getting Around Home Screen Refunds by Tax Unit Tax units with money in escrow Tax unit name Amount in escrow Oldest deposit date CSV Download
Refund Wizard: Getting Around Home Screen Open Queues User Select Show Processed (Y/N) CSV Download Sort columns by clicking heading (ascending/ descending)
Refund Wizard: Getting Around Home Screen Open Queues Batch User Status (AA/IQ/PC) From Tax Unit Date/Time Created Date/Time Last Saved
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch Home Screen Refunds by Tax Unit Click a tax unit number to begin For example: 8005
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch Selection Screen Refunds for Selected Tax Unit: 8005 Adjustment Refund
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch Beginning Deposit Date Ending Deposit Date Adjustment Type (Litigated/Non Litigated) Tax Year Status (LG – Letter Generated) Fido Number (Payer) Min Refund Amount Max Refund Amount Mail to Fido (Agents) On Hold (Y/N/Both) Pmt Count Per Year Account Number In Queue (Y/N/Both) Restrict Batch Size (#)
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch You will not see this error message anymore! The wizard automatically looks backwards and forwards for dates outside of your range without requiring you to change your parameters. You will get the most current data for each refund, including changes made until the instant you send the refunds to taxledge.
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch CSV Download Feature
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch Data from Screen Exported to Excel
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch Selection Checkboxes Account Number Tax Year Number of Payments Owner Name (Year of Refund) Fido (Payer) Mail to Fido (Agent) Legal Source (4208 Litigated) Refund Amount Agreed Judgment (Y/Null) Remit Sequence Deposit Date of Refund Deposit Number Letter Generated Status (Y/N) Suit In Queue (Batch #/Null) On Hold (Y/Null) View/Attach Documents
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch Valid Proof of Payment Required? (Y/N) Assign To: (Username) Create Batch from Selected
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch Click Create Batch from Selected
Refund Wizard: Creating a Batch Confirmation of Batch Created Click Go to Queue
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Totals/Counts adjust as batch is reviewed/approved Show variances in Payee, Owner Name, Owner Address, or All of the Above
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Show Name/Address Change Click the framed Owner Name to see the change history below.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Added Elements on Screen for Processing Refunds Change to Fido (Change Recipient) Checkboxes: Reviewed (1st Level Review) Approved (2nd Level Approve) On Hold (Take off/Place on Hold) Remove (Release Refund from Batch)
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Click an Account Number to See Detailed Window
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Click an Account Number to See Detailed Window View/Change Refund Recipient
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch View/Change Refund Recipient Left Side: Pay to Order Right Side: Mail To If litigated refund has a Mail To Fido, the check will be mailed to this address, but the check will be made payable as shown on the Pay to Order side
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Litigated Adjustment Refunds: Mail To Agents For the year of the refund, if on the Prop Value Detail tab of the Account Master, an account has a Source = 4208, and…
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Litigated Adjustment Refunds: Mail To Agents …if the account has a 42.43 Fiduciary No. entered on the Owner Detail tab of the Account Master, and…
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Litigated Adjustment Refunds: Mail To Agents …the Fiduciary has the Adj. Refund Use Address checked on the Fiduciary Master, then the check will be mailed to the agent, without affecting who the check is made payable to. Note: this feature requires a modification to your refund check stub.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Litigated Adjustment Refunds: Mail To Agents Notice, because a change was made which affects this refund, the Refund Wizard calls your attention to this refund. The previous status is highlighted in yellow, and below this row is the current state of the refund. You are always aware of changes to refunds that are in your batch. You can see that previously this refund did not have a Mail to Fido, nor was it coded as a litigated refund. Now it has a Mail to Fido of 1250431, and the Source = 4208.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Litigated Adjustment Refunds: Mail To Agents Now this refund will be made payable as shown on the Pay To Order side, but the check stub will be printed with the mailing address on the Mail To side.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Litigated Adjustment Refunds: Mail To Agents Reminder: For Mail To Fidos, changing the refund recipient will not override how the check is mailed. It will only override how the check is made payable. To override how the check is mailed, you will have to remove the Fido from the 42.43 Fiduciary No. field on the Owner Detail tab.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Change Refund Recipient The Memo field allows you to add a memo when the refund is being worked. This memo prints in a separate field on the check stub. It eliminates the need to log into taxledge to add memos such as case numbers or mortgage company reference numbers. Click the Change Refund Recipient Button.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Change Refund Recipient
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Change Refund Recipient: Search Type the name you want to search for. Notice, it will automatically return similar matches. If one of the results is the fiduciary you need, simply click the fido number and this will be returned to the Change To Fido for that refund.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Change Refund Recipient: Create New Fiduciary If you do not find a fiduciary that matches your search exactly, you can click Create New Fiduciary.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Change Refund Recipient: Create New Fiduciary Enter the new fiduciary information. The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*). Click Save, and the wizard will assign a new fido number, and return this fido to the Change To Fido field. Click Cancel if you decide not to create a new fido. The recipient will not be changed.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Change Refund Recipient: Create New Fiduciary After clicking Save, you can see there is a Change To Fido of 1250480, and the Pay to Order shows the new fido information. Remember, this refund has a Mail To Fido, so the check will be mailed to fido 1250431.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Proof of Payment
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Proof of Payment After you click View Proof of Payment, you will click Open at the bottom of the screen.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Proof of Payment The proof of payment image will open into a new window. If you have two monitors, you can move this image to one monitor, while you look back at your Change Recipient screen on the other.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Proof of Payment If the refund batch has the “Valid Proof of Payment Required?” set to “Yes”, then the checkbox must be checked for each base refund in the batch. This is to enforce that the person processing this batch verified the proof of payment for each refund.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Proof of Payment
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Deposit Status The wizard’s deposit status is similar to the TCS deposit status screen, however in the wizard, the default view will include deposits for the year of the refund. You can expand this view by changing the From Year and To Year.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Deposit Status If you click on a deposit, you can see the Deposit Status Detail. To return to the Deposit Status screen from the Detail screen, click the tab at the top.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Deposit Status To return to your batch from the Deposit Status screen, click the Working Your Queue tab at the top.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Shared Documents
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Shared Documents The screen opens up to the View Documents tab. If there are any refund documents attached to this refund, they will appear on this screen to view. You can also click the Add Documents tab.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Shared Documents Application Received Date + Approved checkbox controls interest calculation for overpayment refunds. You can have multiple applications attached to a refund, however it will only look at the received date on the document that has the approved checkbox checked. Provides more audit controls.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Shared Documents Here, we are attaching a document to a litigated refund, so Application Received Date and Approved are not applicable. Click Browse to find the document you want to attach.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Shared Documents Go to the folder and select the file you want. Click Open.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Shared Documents The document will display in the preview window. Add document-specific comments if necessary. Click Store as Support Document.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: View Shared Documents On the View Documents tab, the document is now listed and is displayed in the viewer. The document can be saved, printed, or emailed from this window. Click the Working Your Queue tab to return to your batch.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: Other Elements Buttons to Toggle Refund Checkboxes: Reviewed – Indicates the refund has passed level 1 review. Approved – Indicates the refund has passed level 2 approval. Remove – Will remove this refund from the batch. On Hold – Will place the refund on hold, or take it off hold.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: Other Elements Balance Due If there is a balance due, it will be listed by tax year.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Detail Window: Other Elements Account Notes Notes on the account from TCS.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Refund Reviewed The Reviewed, Approved, Remove and On Hold buttons will toggle the corresponding checkboxes for the selected refund.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Calculate Interest Within the Wizard Click Calc. Refund Interest. Enter Refund Interest Parameters: Deposit Number Deposit Date Receipt Date Calc Interest Through Date Interest Type Click Calculate.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Calculate Interest Within the Wizard Notice the wizard calculated litigated interest for the one litigated refund in this batch. The interest is shown directly under its corresponding base refund. It is designated with “INT” and the text is in blue. The wizard also automatically copies the Change To Fido from the base refund, so there is no need to do a change recipient on the interest check.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Batch Menu The wizard has direct access to the Batch Menu. It is located in the blue banner in the upper right corner. Click Batch Menu to run “edit” reports on your batch.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Batch Menu By default, you will see a filtered set of menu items which are exclusive to the refund wizard. To run one of these reports, simply click the menu item number. For example 544. If you need to see other menu items, you can click All Menu Categories.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Batch Menu The wizard knows the batch you were in when you came into the batch menu, so it automatically enters it into the parameter. You no longer need to enter several parameters to run your report. Just click Submit.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Batch Menu To view your reports, click Batch Requests
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Batch Requests Click the Request Seq. number for the report you want to view. Then click the Report Name.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Batch Requests The report is displayed within a preview window. You can save, print or email the report.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Batch Requests The pdf report includes a link to the proof of payment image! You can click this link and view the proof of payment without opening the wizard.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Return to Refund Wizard from Batch Menu In the upper right corner of the blue banner, there is a link to return back to the wizard from the batch menu.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Assign for Approval When all of your refunds are reviewed, they are ready to be assigned to someone to approve. Select the person you want to assign the batch to and click Save.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Assign for Approval The wizard will confirm that the batch was assigned to the person you selected.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Accepting Batches Each time you enter the wizard, or go to the home screen, if a batch has been placed in your queue, you will be prompted to accept the batch. Notice as user DOUGB logs in, he is required to accept the new batch in his queue.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Approving Batches From the Open Queues tab, select the batch you are going to approve.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Approving Batches For each of the refunds, follow the necessary steps to ensure each reviewed refund is ready to be approved. Click the Approved checkbox for all of the refunds that should be processed. The refunds can be approved in mass, by clicking Approve All.
Refund Wizard: Working a Batch Things to Remember Before Processing Checks All refunds must have both Reviewed & Approved checked. If Valid Proof of Payment is required, all refunds must have this checked. If there are refunds you do not want to process, they must be removed from the batch. They can be removed and placed on hold. When a refund is removed, it is available to be placed in a new batch. All refunds must be taken off hold to process. You can use the All Hold unselect button. No transactions have been written to the real distribution tables until you click Process Checks. You are able to void a batch without making any updates if necessary. Clicking Process Checks is similar to running the 536 in final/update mode.
Refund Wizard: Processing a Batch Click Process Checks When Ready This will complete the change recipient transactions, transfer to escrow tax unit transactions, place the refunds in transit (IT), and generate a final set of reports automatically.
Refund Wizard: Processing a Batch Click Process Checks When Ready The wizard will alert you if there are conditions which do not allow the batch to be processed. In this batch, the highlighted refunds did not have the Valid Proof of Payments checked.
Refund Wizard: Processing a Batch Click Process Checks After any errors have been corrected, you can click Process Checks again, and the batch will process. You can see that all of the rows turn gray, indicating that they cannot be changed as this is a processed batch.
Refund Wizard: Processing a Batch Final Report Set The final reports automatically generated by the Process Checks button are available to view, print, save or email from the Batch Requests screen. You batch is ready to be loaded into taxledge. For clients not using taxledge, your TC537 file is created.
Refund Wizard: Processing a Batch Load into Taxledge You will load the refund batch in taxledge by the refund wizard batch number. The refund wizard batch number always identifies the batch, not the request seq of the final reports.
Refund Wizard: Processing a Batch Printed Check for Mail to Agent The check is made payable to the refund recipient party. The stub has the mailing address of the agent. This address will be shown in the envelope window.
Refund Wizard: Entitlements Control Review Approve On Hold Remove Create Batches Review & Approve the Same Batch Change Recipient Move to Tax Unit Void Batches Process Checks Require Valid Proof of Payment Delete Refund Documents Reassign Batches
Refund Wizard: Short Demo
Refund Wizard: Our Favorite Part… Managers and clerks are loving the increased ease and efficiency!