ETD 2017 Symposium – Exploring Global Connections Improving the visibility of institutional repository, digital theses and research data: the case of the Peruvian University for Applied Sciences Miguel Saravia López de Castilla, Liliana Eléspuru Briceño, Libio Huaroto, André Maguiña Ballón, Agnes Dibós Muñoz, Said Castro August 7-9, 2017 Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
About Peruvian Network Repositories UPC University Visibility Outline About Peruvian Network Repositories UPC University Visibility Strategies Metrics Conclusion Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
UPC Academic Repository Alicia and Renati ALICIA portal Law 30035 México RENATI portal Theses and dissertations Colombia 2013 2016 China Open access Peruvian digital portal of science and technology. Managed by CONCYTEC. 77 605 documents in open access. Peruvian digital portal of theses and dissertations in open and restricted access. Managed by Sunedu. 48 065 record: - Bachelor's degree = 38 061 Master's degree= 8 375 Doctoral degree = 1 668 UPC Academic Repository 2013 Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
About UPC Graduate studies 17 master's degree programs 60 000 students (undergraduate and graduate programs) Undergraduate studies 13 faculties 54 academic programs 4 campuses UPC is the first Peruvian university institutionally accredited by WASC Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
UPC Academic Repository Implemented in 2013. Features Standards: DC, ETDMS, OAI-PMH, DRIVER. Identifiers: ORCID, DOI, HANDLE. Contents: theses, articles, books, conferences, research data, final works of courses, interviews, photographs and videos. Quantity: 6065 records. Politics Open access for all theses (exception for proposed patent or publication of scientific articles). Style sheet for theses. Incorporation of ORCID and DOI in theses. Use of Creative Commons Licenses. Authorization formats. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Visibility of UPC Academic Repository: objectives The visibility includes the following aspects: Position in the Webometrics Ranking Repositories. Increase in the number of file downloads. Metadata interoperability. Interactions in social networks. Objetives Disseminate through the Internet the intellectual production generated by the university community UPC. Positioning the UPC Academic Repository and the academic journals portal in social networks. Evaluate the impact of the use of the contents in the social networks and in specialized tools of positioning in the Web. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Visibility of UPC Academic Repository: strategies Description Strategy 1 Metadata standards Dublin Core, ETDMS, OAI-PMH, OpenAire, DRIVER. Thesauri OECD, MESH, UNESCO, among others Strategy 2 Interoperability ALICIA, NDTLD, OATD, WorldCat, CORE, among others. Memberships COAR, NDLTD, ORCID Strategy 3 Altmetrics and dissemination in social media Altmetric Explorer and dissemination in commercial and academic social media. Strategy 4 File optimization Technique to make it easier for search engines to quickly locate PDF files. Strategy 5 Identifiers ORCID, Google Scholar Profile, DOI. Strategy 6 Datasets collection Strategy 7 Ranking of repositories Webometrics Ranking of Repositories Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 1- Metadata standards Dublin Core ETD-MS OAI-PMH Geospatial Metadata Standards And Guidelines OpenAire (data repositories) ISO 16363 Trusted Digital Repositories Namespace Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 2 - Metadata Interoperability Google Scholar NDLTD LA REFERENCIA (Latin America) WorldCat (OCLC) ALICIA (Peru) UPC Academic Repository BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) RENATI (Peru) CORE (Connecting REpositories) OATD Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 2 - Membership Institutions COAR Confederation of Open Access Repositories NDLTD Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID Institutional subscription for UPC Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 3 - Altmetrics Implemented in January 2015. Altmetric score: Donut. Free version (institutional repository). Identifiers to collect information (DOI, Handle, URL, PMID). Standard NISO RP-25-201x-1, 2 and 3. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 3 – Social networks * Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 3 – Social networks Postcron Subscription to this tool (up to 5 social networks). Easiest way to schedule post on facebook, Twiter, Google+, others. Easy publishing content (imagen and videos). DLVR.IT Free tool (up to 3 social networks). it does not integrate in a easy way for images Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 4 - Optimization files Type of files: PDF PPTX Word EPUB Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 5 – ORCID Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 5 – Google Scholar Profile Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 5 – Identifier DOI to theses UPC University subscribed to CrossRef, specifically for articles (Ene 2015). A project to assign DOI to theses was carried out (March - June 2017). In July the project was approved. UPC University is the first institution in Peru to assign DOI to theses. Use web form for validate metadata and DOI in CrossRef. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 5 – DOI to thesis, book and other types Theses Type of document Handle Prefix Books ISBN Prefix Other documents Prefix Handle Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 5 – Web deposit form DOI to theses Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 5 –DOI to theses Thesis Book Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 6 – Datasets collection National legislation was approved for "Open Government Data Strategy for Peru 2017-2021" (DS-N°016-2017-PCM). UPC University: Mainly contents Software Engineering Programme: Open source software (Web application, tablet interface and tv interface). Installation and configuration guide. Script to create a databases, triggers (MySQL,SQL Database) Interface TV Interface Tablet Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Scholar Google (30%) Total number of entries in Google Scholar. Strategy 7 - Ranking Web of Repositories Repositories Size (10%) Number of pages from Google, Live Search, Yahoo, Search and Exalead. Include all rich files and subdomains. Social (10%) Best way for promoting documents is use social networks. Count mentions in these tool: Academia, CiteUlike, CrossRef, Facebook, Figshare, Google+, others). Scholar Google (30%) Total number of entries in Google Scholar. Visibilidad (50%) Total number of refering subnets from the link info providers majestic & Ahrefs tools. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Strategy 7 - Ranking Web of Repositories World rank for UPC Academic Repository Peruvian rank for UPC Academic Repository Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Metrics – Donwload PDF files Ene 2014 – Jul 2017 Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Metrics – Download EPUB files Ene 2015 – Jul 2017 Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Metrics – Access and download datasets Nov 2016 – Jul 2017 Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017
Conclusion Strategies have allowed: Improve position for UPC Academic Repository in Webometric Ranking for Repositories. Improve social network positioning for contents of UPC Academic Repository. Measure the impact social network activity through Altmetrics. DOI as a way of traceability of citation in digital theses. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ETD2017