JHS COUNSELORS Mrs. Ault (A-K) Mr. Haurum (L-Z) kault@johnsburg12.org thaurum@johnsburg12.org ----- Meeting Notes (12/19/14 12:47) -----
8th Grade Course Selection Program of Studies High School Graduation Requirements Green Sheet Classes Available to Freshmen Scheduling
Graduation/College Admissions Requirements High School Graduation (23) English 4 Credits Math 3 Credits Science 2 Credits Social Studies 2.5 Credits PE/WT 3.5 Credits Health .5 Credits Consumer Ed. (12th Grade) .5 Credits Int. Lang/Fine/Applied Art 1 Credit College Admissions +1 credit +1 or 2 credit +.5 credit 2 credits of the same international language recommended 17 Credits
NCAA Eligibility If you are a student athlete who may get a scholarship from a college to play a sport, you must have certain grade point average and ACT score to be admitted into Division I or Division II universities. Reference the NCAA Eligibility Center for specific information.
GREEN SHEET Due. February 5th in Junior High Main Office
Back of Green Sheet
Study Hall -Time to work on homework and get help from teachers
Freshmen Elective Courses ART -Foundations of Art (semester 1) *Must take this art class before taking all other art classes -Interior Design -Exploring Art Media -Pottery I -Painting I -Digital Photography I -Drawing I
Learn how to manage a successful business! -Marketing/Entrepreneurs -Business Ownership & Management Learn how to manage a successful business!
Communications Media -Journalism -Yearbook
-Keyboarding/Computer Applications I & II -Multimedia Design Computer Science -Keyboarding/Computer Applications I & II -Multimedia Design
Family & Consumer Science -Fashion I & II -Child Development -Creative Pre-School Activities
Industrial Technology -Power Equipment Technology -Drafting and Engineering I
International Language -Spanish I
Music -Marching Band/PE -Band I & II -Jazz Ensemble -Percussion Ensemble I -Beginning Concert Choir -Music Technology -Beginning Music Theory
Physical Education Health Education Regular 9th/10th PE Male Weight Training Female Weight Training WEIGHT TRAINING MUST BE APPROVED BY YOUR 8TH GRADE GYM TEACHER
Driver’s Education You can take Driver’s Ed as a Freshman IF: 8 passing semester grades (Semester 2 of 8th grade and Semester 1 of 9th grade) AND if your birthday is listed below: Quarter 3: 12/8/2000 - 11/16/2001 Quarter 4: 11/17/2001 - 2/15/2002 * If you birthday is after 2/15/2002 you will take Driver’s Ed first or second quarter of your sophomore year.
When Will I know my Classes? You will be able to see your classes in Skyward later this year (April) You won’t see your schedule on Skyward (with your teachers) until August.
Meet the Elective Teachers The elective teachers will be in their classrooms to answer any questions you may have.