UND Citation Aircraft OLYMPEX Data
Microphysics Instruments Measurement King Cloud liquid water PMS 2D-C/2D-S Cloud and precipitation particle spectra HVPS-3 (2 probes) Precipitation spectra to large sizes Orthogonal mounting CPI Cloud particle imager, High resolution ice crystal and cloud-droplet imaging CSI Cloud Spectrometer and Impactor, Total Water (ACE) CDP Cloud Droplet Probe, cloud particle spectra Nevzorov Total water content Icing probe Supercooled water
Instrument Performance
Flight Summary Table Date (UTC) Mission Number 11/12/15 OLYMPEX-1 11/12/15 OLYMPEX-1 Steps DOW-NPOL, then offshore 11/13/15 OLYMPEX-2 Spirals near DOW 11/14/15 OLYMPEX-3 Steps on NPOL radial offshore 11/18/15 OLYMPEX-4 Descents/climbs on NPOL radial offshore 11/23/15 OLYMPEX-5 OLYMPEX-6 Step profile offshore. Wide variety of crystals 11/24/15 OLYMPEX-7 Touch and Go profiling at Fairchild airport OLYMPEX-8 Profiling of developing cumulus offshore 12/1/15 OLYMPEX-9 Conducted stacked legs over NPOL 12/3/15 OLYMPEX-10 Conducted satellite underpass at 15:22 UTC 12/4/15 OLYMPEX-11 Early morning flight with DC8 and ER2 OLYMPEX-12 Sampled developing clouds off the coast 12/5/15 OLYMPEX-13 Sampled between NPOL and east of the DOW 12/10/15 OLYMPEX-14 Spiral up offshore, steps on DOW radial 12/12/15 OLYMPEX-15 Descents/climbs offshore 12/13/15 OLYMPEX-16 Steps/descending ramp in deep cloud offshore OLYMPEX-17 Steps in shallow clouds offshore 12/18/15 OLYMPEX-18 Steps/Spirals DOW-NPOL in deep cloud OLYMPEX-19 Steps offshore, then profile NPOL-DOW 12/19/15 OLYMPEX-20 Offshore convective cloud sampling
Data Processing ADPAA – Airborne Data Processing And Analysis https://sourceforge.net/projects/adpaa/ Delene, D. J., Airborne Data Processing and Analysis Software Package, Earth Science Informatics, 4(1), 29-44, 2011, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12145-010-0061-4
Data QC/QA Quality Control: Calibrations pre/post field In-field performance checks Flight notes on instrument performance In-field processing Quality Assurance: Calibrations applied Missing value codes inserted Operability/performance edits Hand edits Post-projecting processing
Archive Data Images Size Distributions Summary Files 2DS, 2DC, HVPS-3 (2) Size Distributions Imaging probes CDP Summary Files ASCII NASA Format
Analysis Ryan Patnaude Joe O’Brien Samantha Carr
Patnaude – 12/3/15 Case Study December 3, 2015 Case Study Data Report Leg 11, 16:15 – 16:21
O’Brien – Particle Reorientation
Carr – HVPS-3 Intercomparison