Wisconsin TeenDrivingPlan CoIIN Cohort 2 Storyboard
Wisconsin Teen Driving Team Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Deena Liska, Teen Driving Coordinator Carissa Hoium, Motor Vehicle Safety Coordinator Waushara County Health Department Judy Burton, Public Health Nurse Stefanie Eldredge, Public Health Nurse Becky Mattice, PH Tech Patti Wohlfeil, Health Officer Greendale Health Department Madeline Eisen, Public Health Specialist Shawne Johnson, PHN Supervisor Sue Shepeard, Health Officer Grant County Health Department Jeff Kindrai, Director/Health Officer Jamie Kreul, PHA, CPST Walworth County Health Department Beth Walsh, Public Health Supervisor Holli Wilke, Public Health Supervisor Faith Olson, Public Health Nurse Ashley Vickers, Health Educator Wisconsin Department of Health Melissa Heinz, IVP Coordinator Leah Ludlum, Public Health Nurse Consultant-MCH Wajiha Akhtar, Epidemiologist/Evaluator Molly Zemke, IVP Strategic Plan Coordinator
Overall Aim Statement By June 2017, we will reduce deaths, hospitalizations, and emergency department (ED) visits resulting from a crash in which the victim was a driver or occupant of a motor vehicle and between the ages of 15 and 19. Our goals are to: Decrease the teen motor vehicle mortality rate by 2% relative to the state/jurisdiction baseline; Decrease the rate of teen motor vehicle-related hospitalizations by 2% relative to the state/jurisdiction baseline; and Decrease the rate of teen motor vehicle-related ED visits by 2% relative to state/jurisdiction baseline.
Driver Diagram
Process Measures & Goals Process Measures 11 and 16 Goal Progress 11. The % of parents reporting understanding of GDL requirements 16. The % of parents educated on GDL By December 2016, stakeholder groups will identify at least one community facilitator and deliver the intervention to at least one group of parents in their community. 3 of our 5 stakeholders identified facilitators and scheduled a parent session.
Process Measures & Goals Progress 18. The % of active stakeholders in the state/jurisdiction teen driver safety coalition 100% of the stakeholders in this intervention will be actively engaged, as evidenced by meeting attendance, email communication, and program implementation. We have 3 communities actively working on this intervention, and a 4th that is actively investigating it. We have also engaged an independent provider with an interest in using this intervention.
Process Measures & Goals Progress 19. The % of programs evaluated 100% of the programs will be evaluated using data quantitative collected during the intervention and qualitative, formative input. 3 of our 5 stakeholders have scheduled a parent session, and data will be entered after.
Organizing Our Work In 2016, we began the implementation of the Maternal Child Health adolescent transportation safety objective: Identified intervention that would be used Established and codified relationships between key stakeholders Adapted intervention for Wisconsin use Developed facilitator training and data collection tools Trained Local Health Department staff as facilitators Identified and trained community members as facilitators Conducted a pre-pilot with 3 communities and approximately 30 participants Reviewed and revised all materials based on pre-pilot feedback Met quarterly as a learning community
Tools We created an online training for Facilitators Uses a Learning Management System All tools are in one location for easy access Organized like a checklist for effective self-learning Completion/progress can be observed Created surveys tools to collect data Uses Redcap All data is being collected in the same place
Lessons Learned We planned We found We predict. . . To partner with a driving school in one high school to implement the intervention The contracted driving school in that target high school has their own required materials We can offer the program through a different venue, and approach other driving schools and the private high school To walk through the Facilitator training and data collection tools with each site through a WebEx type of meeting Looking at the materials together in real time allowed us to have a more complete discussion about the training This could be a useful strategy in training community facilitators To conduct the sessions using community facilitators A loss of fidelity, ranging from minor to significant Facilitators will need a close connection with program coordinators and additional training/mentoring may be required To implement TDP sessions through existing partners and connections Building some of these relationships was taking time and not being captured in our data Engaging partners will require significant time building stakeholder relationships
Next Steps In 2017, our plan is to: Fully pilot the adapted intervention with at least 200 people reached, and at multiple sessions in each community Explore the use of community facilitators Make rolling revisions to materials Evaluate the data