Welcome to the Zone-Level District Trainer Program Helping you to plan and conduct training meetings that support effective Rotary clubs
Role and Responsibilities Session 1: Role and Responsibilities
District Trainer Program | 3 Learning Objectives Understand the role and responsibilities of the district trainer. Understand the role and responsibilities of the district training committee. District Trainer Program | 3
District Trainer’s Role Supports the governor and governor-elect in training club and district leaders and providing continuing education to Rotarians Assigns responsibilities for training to the committee District Trainer Program | 4
District Trainer Program | 5 Responsibilities Chair the district training committee. Implement the training program approved by the governor or governor-elect. Assist in identifying training leaders. Determine district specific training methods. Manage training in the district. Communicate with other district committees who conduct training. Consult with RI appointees. District Trainer Program | 5
District Training Committee’s Role Supports the governor and governor-elect in training club and district leaders and overseeing the training plan for the district District Trainer Program | 6
District Trainer Program | 7 Responsibilities Conduct and evaluate needs assessment. Coordinate logistical arrangements. Manage the meeting’s budget. Select and prepare training leaders. Prepare and distribute materials. Manage registration. Analyze meeting evaluations. District Trainer Program | 7
District Trainer Program | 8 Learning Objectives Understand the role and responsibilities of the district trainer. Understand the role and responsibilities of the district training committee. District Trainer Program | 8
Leadership Development Training Cycle Session 2: Leadership Development Training Cycle
District Trainer Program | 10 Learning Objectives Understand how the Rotary leadership development training cycle works to support Rotary clubs and the district. Discuss the content of each training meeting. District Trainer Program | 10
District Trainer Program | 11
Incoming Officer Training Meetings Work with your governor-elect on these district training events: District team training seminar President-elect training seminar (PETS) District assembly District membership seminar Other training events in the district, as appropriate District Trainer Program | 12
District Trainer Program | 13
Continuing Education Training Meetings Work with your governor on developing and conducting these annual training events: District leadership seminar District Rotary Foundation seminar Rotaract leadership training Leadership development program Other training events in the district, as appropriate District Trainer Program | 14
District Trainer Program | 15 www.rotary.org/trainers District Trainer Program | 15
District Trainer Program | 16 Training Resources District Trainer Program | 16
District Trainer Program | 17 Web Resources District Trainer Program | 17
District Trainer Program | 18 Human Resources RCs, RRFCs, RPICs, E/MGAs RI training leaders GETS training team member Rotary staff Rotary Learning and Development staff District Trainer Program | 18
District Trainer Program | 19 District Resources District directory District website Examples of projects and activities Membership success stories Planning calendar Examples of strategies to improve club/district organization District Trainer Program | 19
District Trainer Program | 20 Learning Objectives Understand how the Rotary leadership development training cycle works to support Rotary clubs and the district. Discuss the content of each training meeting. District Trainer Program | 20
Planning Training (Part 1) Session 3: Planning Training (Part 1)
District Trainer Program | 22 Learning Objectives Discuss how to conduct a needs assessment. Learn how to modify an agenda. Identify different ways to set-up a training room. Review ways to select your meeting time and place. Learn how to develop a meeting budget. District Trainer Program | 22
Conducting a Needs Assessment Determine your objective. Choose a method for collecting information. Analyze the data. District Trainer Program | 23
Determine Your Objective What information will I gain from conducting a needs assessment? How will it improve the upcoming training seminar? Who is my audience? What is their experience level? District Trainer Program | 24
District Trainer Program | 25 Collect Information Past evaluations Questionnaires Interviews Focus groups District Trainer Program | 25
District Trainer Program | 26 Analyze the Data Categorize the data and look for a recurring theme. Interpret the results and deciding which content needs the most attention. Share the results with district leaders to discuss any changes. District Trainer Program | 26
District Trainer Program | 27 Modifying the Agenda Use district-specific examples. Use a variety of formats. Identify your participants. Include local customs. Consider levels of Rotary knowledge. Include sessions based on club size. District Trainer Program | 27
District Trainer Program | 28 Venue Ease of access Facilities Services District Trainer Program | 28
District Trainer Program | 29 Developing a Budget Base it on anticipated revenues (registration fees) and estimated expenditures (venue rental). Use figures and expenses from past district training meetings. Keep variances to a minimum to avoid a deficit. District Trainer Program | 29
District Trainer Program | 30 Training Room Setup Number of participants Training goals Instructional aids District Trainer Program | 30
District Trainer Program | 31 Learning Objectives Discuss how to conduct a needs assessment. Learn how to modify an agenda. Identify different ways to set-up a training room. Review ways to select your meeting time and place. Learn how to develop a meeting budget. District Trainer Program | 31
Planning Training (Part 2) Session 4: Planning Training (Part 2)
District Trainer Program | 33 Learning Objectives Discuss ways to select and prepare training leaders. Discuss ways to distribute materials to participants. Describe how to promote attendance at meetings. Discuss creating effective training evaluations. District Trainer Program | 33
Training Leader Qualifications Training expertise Rotary knowledge Professional knowledge District Trainer Program | 34
Staffing Needs for Training Same training leaders for all meetings? Core group for most meetings, with additional training leaders as needed? Different group of training leaders for each meeting? District Trainer Program | 35
Number of Training Leaders Number of participants Number of sessions Number of topics and activities in each session District Trainer Program | 36
Preparing Training Leaders Explain the meeting’s purpose. Review the agenda and logistical considerations. Define the policy for mandatory information. Discuss training techniques and methods. Identify reference and background materials. District Trainer Program | 37
Distributing Participant Materials Before the meeting To ensure participants have a base knowledge During the meeting To provide materials for activities After the meeting To materials generated during the meeting District Trainer Program | 38
Evaluating Training Meetings What do you want to find out? When and how often will you evaluate? How will you gather the information? District Trainer Program | 39
District Trainer Program | 40 Learning Objectives Discuss ways to select and prepare training leaders. Discuss ways to distribute materials to participants. Describe how to promote attendance at meetings. Discuss creating effective training evaluations. District Trainer Program | 40
Session 5: Web Conferencing
District Trainer Program | 42 Learning Objectives Understand the functionality of a web conference (also referred to as webinar). Identify when to use web conferencing as a training method. District Trainer Program | 42
What is a web conference? A way to conduct live meetings, trainings, or presentations via the Internet Participants can sit at their own computer and connect with other participants. District Trainer Program | 43
District Trainer Program | 44 Questions to Consider Do you need to meet face-to-face? Are your participants willing to travel? Will the visual aids enhance the content? Do all the participants have the appropriate equipment? District Trainer Program | 44
District Trainer Program | 45 Learning Objectives Understand the functionality of a web conference (also referred to as webinar). Identify when to use web conferencing as a training method. District Trainer Program | 45