Royal Navy INET Update Brief Project OPTIMUS – Individual Training DOTC(M) / BOI – Surface Collective Training SMTC – Future Submariner Training RN INET UPDATE BRIEF PRESENTATION RUNNING FOOTER MAY 2017 NOVEMBER 2009
Project OPTIMUS A joint Trg-Pers initiative End State: A more sustainable, effective and efficient system of Naval Service SQEP generation that exploits opportunities afforded by learning theory, technology and practice in a coordinated, informed manner and with a spirit of collaboration Dependencies across Navy Command, Defence and Contracted Training Service Providers Collaborate: Across the Maritime Trg Comd; between DLoDs; between TLBs; and between NS and Contractors Innovate: Encourage novel approaches to training to optimise SQEP generation Modernise: The means by which trg is delivered & adapt the Pers management system to support NOVEMBER 2016 Project OPTIMUS – Update to INET PRESENTATION RUNNING FOOTER RN INET UPDATE BRIEF MAY 2017 NOVEMBER 2009
Project OPTIMUS A more sustainable, effective and efficient system of delivering People Capability, which actively seeks and exploits the opportunities afforded by innovative learning theory, technology and practice, in a coordinated, informed manner and with a spirit of collaboration. Batch 1 Pilots (initiated Q1 17) Internet-facing video training aides (DLE ‘Open’) – Ongoing Flexible Learning Time – Ongoing ‘Mind-fitness’ training (in partnership with DSTL) – Ongoing PJT Provision & Scheduling Study – Complete Analysis of COTS mobile learning technologies for Distributed Training - Complete Batch 2 Pilots (initiated Q2 17) Targeted PJT Flexibility – Ongoing Virtual Reality Feasibility Study – Ongoing -30% Residential Navigation Training Study – Ongoing Develop methodology for GoPro training feedback – Ongoing Main Effort – Training Optimisation Concept to provide strategic direction for future Individual Training Optimisation Way Ahead: Training Optimisation Concept – due 4 Aug 17 Incentivise Training Service Providers to optimise FOST Innovation Agenda (‘bottom-up’) Promote strategic alignment of Pers & Trg sub-portfolios Experiment and exploit Develop and test joint Pers-Trg Performance Measurement Project OPTIMUS PRESENTATION RUNNING FOOTER INET May 2017 NOVEMBER 2009
DOTC(M) / BOI Balance of Investment option for FY18/19: Assured War Fighting at scale by 2035 Graduated scale of options Sustain capability – Afloat Distributed Synthetic Environment Development of: Onboard Warfare Team Training (ObWTT) Interoperable Bridge trainers Maritime Command and Staff Training (MCAST) Carefully crafted argument to: Represent current threats Reduce pressure on live assets Force Generate at reach. RN INET UPDATE BRIEF PRESENTATION RUNNING FOOTER MAY 2017 NOVEMBER 2009
CTT(A) WHR(A) SCT(A) 2xMRT(A) TTF(F) (2024) SWS Training (Successor) SMQ(V) SMERAS (2019) Escape Training SMTF (2022) Ph2 & Ph3 SM Training 3xCTT(CCS)(VOTE) 2xMRT(Successor) SCT(Successor) WH&LR(Successor) MRT(V) FOST Sea Training Bridge Training CTT(V) MRT(V) SCT(V) TTF Ph2 & Ph3 SWS Training ACTS SMQ(A) PJT(A) CTT(A) WHR(A) SCT(A) 2xMRT(A) TTF(F) (2024) SWS Training (Successor) WHR(V) CTT(T) PRESENTATION RUNNING FOOTER PRESENTATION RUNNING FOOTER JUNE 2016 NOVEMBER 2009
Submarine Training Capability (SMTC) Enduring SMQ(V) CT(N) Bldg Bridge Trainer AS1104 – ‘VERACITY’ SCTT MRT(V) NUSCOT (V) Future SMERAS - 2019 SMTF – 2022 Common Architecture Project supporting: RNSMS SCTT-Proj VOTE MESM Trg Gp NUSCOT(D) WH&LR(D) MRT(D) ASTUTE Training Facility SMQ(A) PJT(A) ‘ALERT’ – SCTT WHR(A) 2xMRT(A) WHR(V) AS1118 – ‘THRASHER’ SCTT TTF TFE - 2024 PRESENTATION RUNNING FOOTER RN INET UPDATE BRIEF NOVEMBER 2009 MAY 2017