Nouns (I Sostantivi) L’italiano Gr. 7
Nouns have gender, they are either maschile (masculine) or femminile (feminine).
Maschile (Masculine)- Words usually end with: -consonant EX. un autobus -o EX. Un banco -e (sometimes) EX. Uno scaffale -a (sometimes)-- EX. Un problema
Femminile ( Feminine)- Words usually end with: a EX. una matita e Ex. una classe
L’ Articolo Indeterminativo un, uno (Maschile) una, un’ (Femminile) a or an a or an Attività- Categorize your words for each column.
L’ Articolo Indeterminativo Italian Indefinite Articles and How to Use Them Italian has (4) choices for an indefinite article and the method for choosing which one to use is as follows: Uno - use this article for masculine singular nouns beginning with z or s + another consonant. Un -use this article for all other masculine singular nouns. Una - use this article for all feminine singular nouns beginning with a consonant. Un’ - use this article for all feminine singular nouns starting with a vowel.
un dizionario- a dictionary ESEMPI/EXAMPLES uno zaino- a backpack un dizionario- a dictionary una porta- a door un’ amica- a friend (f.)
Attività- Write the appropriate “l’articolo indeterminativo” for each noun. _____ bambino 11. _____ uomo _____ attività 12. _____ alunna (f.) _____ zaino 13. _____ gente _____ studente (m) 14. _____ computer _____ studentessa (f) 15. _____ zero _____ schermo (m) (screen) 16. _____ domanda _____ lezione (f) 17. _____ alunno (m) _____ orologio 18. _____ automobile (f) _____ signora 19. _____ aula _____ signore 20. _____ cattedra
L’ Articolo Determinativo- Definite Article in Italian Remember that in Italian, every noun is either masculine or feminine so the definite article, "the" in English, is either masculine singular, masculine plural, feminine singular or feminine plural.
ESEMPI Maschile , (“the” singular)- il- used with nouns that begin with a consonant il banco il libro lo- used with nouns that begin with a “z” or “s + consonant”. lo zaino lo scaffale l’ – used with nouns that begin with a vowel. l’ orologio l’ aero (the plane)
Esempi Maschile, (“the” plural)- i- used with nouns that begin with a consonant. i banchi i libri gli- used with nouns that begin with a vowel, z, s + consonant. gli zaini gli scaffali gli orologi gli aerei
Esempi Femminile, (“the” singular)- 1. la- used with nouns that begin with a consonant. la cattedra la matita 2. l’- used with nouns that begin with a vowel. l’ amica l’ aula
Esempi Femminile, (“the” Plural)- le- used with nouns that begin with a consonant or a vowel. Le cattedre Le matite Le aule Le amiche
1. _____ bambini 11. _____ uomo Attività- Write the word “the” before each noun. Pay attention to the noun, if it’s singular or plural 1. _____ bambini 11. _____ uomo 2. _____ attività 12. _____ alunna (f.) 3. _____ zaino 13. _____ gente (f.) 4. _____ studenti (m) 14. _____ computer(m) 5._____ studentessa (f) 15. _____ zero 6._____ schermi (m) (screen) 16. _____ domande 7._____ lezione (f) 17. _____ alunni (m) 8._____ orologi 18. _____ automobile (f) 9._____ signore (f, p) 19. _____ foto 10._____ signori 20. _____ cattedra