Abdominal muscle bracing and back care in pregnancy
Posture changes during pregnancy Due to relaxin hormone Due to growing baby Relaxing of pelvic joints and ligaments Extra care needed of spine and pelvis
Back care Posture – stand tall, sit with back supported Take care when getting out of a chair Moving from lying to sitting Sleeping position tips: Use pillows between legs Keep back in line Help reduce strain on hips and back Importance of rest
More back care tips Massage relieves back ache relieves neck and shoulder tension a variety of techniques available Hot packs can also help Courtesy of Bumps Pilates, Melbourne
Pregnancy and abdominal bracing Abdominals relaxed Abdominals braced Courtesy of The Pregnancy Centre
Learning pregnancy abdominal bracing Don’t try too hard Breathe normally No pressure downwards on pelvic floor muscles No sucking up under the ribcage No pain or discomfort If unsure, ask! Courtesy of Bumps Pilates, Melbourne
Learning pregnancy abdominal bracing Learning to ‘brace’ correctly takes practice and concentration Correct technique is BEST! Once learned, hold for 3–4 seconds and repeat 3–4 times Increase to 5 second holds, repeated 5 times then build up to 10 seconds, repeated 10 times
Abdominal muscle bracing Once learned, 'bracing' can be: continued throughout pregnancy done while walking done during daily activities started soon after the birth gently progressed as it gets easier Courtesy of The Pregnancy Centre
Abdominal muscle bracing Abdominal bracing can be progressed under close supervision to ensure correct technique Courtesy of Bumps Pilates, Melbourne
Round ligament pain Abdominal bracing helps
Where to get professional help National Continence Helpline (freecall) 1800 33 00 66 Australian Physiotherapy Association (03) 9092 0888 or visit www.physiotherapy.asn.au