Health watch #1 “ready Listeners” 1st Sign of healthy church members Health Watch Series #1 October 25, 2015 AM Thanks to IX marks Ministries
A Healthy church member is a ready listener The first sign of health is truly listening to biblical preaching. Listening to expositional preaching is called expositional listening. BUT - What is expositional preaching? The main point of a passage is the main point of the sermon. the preacher applies the meaning of the passage to the listener. The holy spirit blesses god’s word and hearts are changed.
Two old testament examples of expositional preaching and listening. Moses preached a sermon to all of Israel – It is called The Book of Deuteronomy His text was the law given at Sinai. His hearers listened, applied the Law, and moved ahead by obedience. Ezra preached a sermon to all of Israel (Neh. 8:8) true to the text., sharing the meaning of the passage, and applying it to the people. They listened – they were attentive to the words of the Book of the Law. There was repentance, joy, and obedience. God’s calendar became important once again. The tithe and the offering began to be practiced again.
Each of us have a list of favorites… …that we want mentioned from the pulpit. Some of us want humor, or self-esteem boosters, or “how-to” lists, or political or social causes and solutions, or something that we can shovel back to the guy behind us. We should listen for the voice and message of God as discovered in the Scriptures. What has God written in His wisdom, love, and mercy for His glory and for our good in the passage of scripture being preached?
Next, what are the benefits of Expositional Listening? It cultivates a hunger for God’s Word. It helps us to focus on God’s will and to follow Him. It protects the gospel and our lives from corruption. It encourages faithful pastors. It benefits and shapes the gathered congregation.
Ephesians 4:11-16 Here we see that the Word of God produced by the apostles and prophets and proclaimed by pastors (and) teachers has a great effect on the church. The word equips the saints for the work of the ministry to build up the body of Christ that there might be unity and maturity (looking and acting like Christ) practicing the truth in love. So here we see that the preaching of the Word of God… cultivates a hunger for God’s Word. helps us to focus on God’s will and to follow Him. protects the gospel and our lives from corruption. encourages faithful pastors. benefits and shapes the gathered congregation.
How can I be prepared for the Preaching How can I be prepared for the Preaching? How can I be an Expositional Listener? How do I form good habits in listening? Meditate on the sermon passage during a quiet time. Invest in a good set of commentaries and study Bible. Talk and pray with others about the sermon after church or during the week. Keep the sermon alive during the week. answer any questions that come to your mind from the Scripture that day. Cultivate humility. Prepare for the Lord’s day by getting some rest on Saturday night.
Healthy churches and Christians… …are those who listen to the Word as a regular discipline. Expositional listening is a great health practice. How do you rate your ability to listen for the meaning of the Word in your own devotions? In Sunday School? In the preaching services?