Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools (2015 - 2016) Green Chemistry Briefing Session Nov 7., 2015 (Sat)
Comments from the Judging Panel Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education Email: enquiry@hkasme.org
Preliminary Selection Judging Panel – Experienced Chemistry teachers + EDB 2 weeks to select 5-8 teams from the candidates
Adjudication for 1st Round relevant to the theme, sound & reliable chemical principles application clear presentation others.
What are ‘others’? Innovation, case studies, further exploration, duplication Design and Methods in Experiment & Controlled experiment Survey Data recording Evaluating the results Source of errors and improvement
Poster Presentation 5-8 teams Judging Panel – 3 – 5 teachers / chemistry lecturers / experts Venue for the Final Round 寶覺中學 PO KOK SEC. SCHOOL. 將軍澳彩明苑
Poster Presentation
Format of Poster Presentation abstract (< 200 words) A1 poster 5 mins Oral Report Q & A
Format of Poster Presentation
Final Competition 5-8 Finalists – 1 Independent Judge + Representative from RSC, HKCS, EDB and HKASME
Format of Oral Presentation abstract (not more than 3 pages of A4) **Photo and Name of the Students 7 min Oral Report 7 min Q & A
Format of Oral Presentation
Some Dos and Don’ts Preliminary Selection 1. No school logo or name should appear on any works, otherwise participants will be disqualified. 2. Prepare a checklist 3. 2 min Video for supporting 4. ***Abstract 5. COMPLETED Report 6. NEVER submit loose sheets 7. CHECK the CD disk 8. THICKNESS is not a matter 9. *** No chemicals or products please!!!
Some Dos and Don’ts Final Competition Make a non-boring presentation. Keep presentation on time and clear Team work Arrive earlier for registration & preparation work. 20-30 mins before the event. WELL prepare to win. E.g. Laptop…
Resources and Help 1. Old HKChO and other science competition reports http://resources.edb.gov.hk/~science/hkcho 2. Internet Search 3. Case Studies – News, hot issues 4. Reference books
Thank you and Good Luck