Personalize the PBL Experience Crissy Wade PBL Coach @crissywade Adrienne Hunter 4th Grade Teacher @mshuntersheroes Creek View Elementary FCS Vanguard
What do you already know about Project Based Learning and Personalized Learning? What do you hope to learn?
Objectives · Gain knowledge of the Design Elements of PBL and how they relate to personalized learning · Collect tangible ideas to use in the classroom · Interact with technology tools that engage learners and can be used to personalize learning within a PBL Unit
Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge.
Compare & Contrast 1st GRADE 4th GRADE
Entry Event… Example: Driving Question: How can we keep animals on the endangered list from going extinct? 4th Grade Co-plan Learning
1st Entry Event… Grade Co-plan Learning Driving Question: How can we, as zoologists, identify the characteristics of different habitats and explain why certain plants and animals live in a that habitat?
Inductive/Deductive Reasoning Vocabulary Decomposer Investigation 4th Grade THINK Strategy T: Tell... H: How come... I: What if... N: Name... K: How are they alike and different? Inductive/Deductive Reasoning Vocabulary *Organize the words into groups *Groups must have more than 2 words *Give each group a title or heading *You cannot have an “I don’t know” group *All words must go into a group *You may not use outside resources gallery walk. Gallery Walk - students to notice where other groups put their words and what headings they used Reflect/Revise - groups to get back together and revise any of their groups and words Varied Strategies
Choice for Demonstrating Learning Visual Food Chains Energy Triorama Varied Strategies Choice for Demonstrating Learning 4th Grade
1st Grade Animal Classification Mystery Reader’s Theatre Tub of items that signify or represent one specific animal family Groups explore their collections & record the characteristics of the animals indicated by the item Groups create poster to share Compare & Contrast Reader’s Theatre Varied Strategies 1st Grade
1st Grade QR Code Virtual Zoo Field Trip Collaborative Habitat Exploration Nearpod Virtual Habitat Field Trip Varied Strategies
VOICE & Choice Animal Research – 4th Grade Pick a habitat that they were interested in Pick their top three animals Sorted into habitat groups Varied Strategies VOICE & Choice
Habitat/Animal Research – 1st Grade VOICE & Choice Varied Strategies
Yellowstone Animal Adaptation Skype Lesson World Wildlife Foundation Yellowstone Animal Adaptation Skype Lesson Aquarium Field Trip Varied Strategies 4th Grade
Botanical Gardens Field Trip Atlanta Zoo Guest Speaker Animal Bookmarks Varied Strategies FRONT BACK 1st Grade
Choice for Demonstrating Learning 4th Grade VOICE & Choice Varied Strategies Choice for Demonstrating Learning
Choice for Demonstrating Learning Green Screen Video Newspaper Article from Different Point of Views 5th Grade Poster & Model Powerpoint & Poster VOICE & Choice Choice for Demonstrating Learning
Just-In-Time Direct Instruction
Just-In-time direct instruction
Just-in-time direct Instruction 4th Grade VOICE & Choice Just-in-time direct Instruction
Just-in-time direct Instruction Teacher & Peer conferences for writing (Animal Informational) Reviewed animal habitats and gave feedback Just-in-time direct Instruction
Just-in-time direct Instruction Student Feedback… Tuning Protocol “I like…” “I wonder…” “I have…” Gallery Walk Give feedback on projects Write on sticky side of post-it notes Assessment Planning… Assessment Tools Go Formative Socrative Nearpod Plickers Four Square Just-in-time direct Instruction
Choice for Demonstrating Learning 4th Grade VOICE & Choice Choice for Demonstrating Learning
Choice in Demonstrating Learning 1st Grade Interactive Habitats VOICE & Choice Choice in Demonstrating Learning
1st Grade VOICE & Choice
Grade Level Rotations
Choice for Demonstrating Learning 4th Grade 1st Grade Tellagami TeleStory Varied Strategies VOICE & Choice Choice for Demonstrating Learning
Student Quotes… “When we were building the invention, I learned to work together with my group. We made a pre-plan like an entrepreneur. It was fun and cool how we got to see everyone else’s.” -Emerson (3rd) “I liked that we did technology so it wasn’t boring. The inventions were good because they all had creativity in them.” -Zaccari (3rd) “It was fun to do the commercial! I learned that being an inventor doesn’t mean you get it right the first time. -Jade (3rd) “I liked learning about tornadoes. I researched on the computer and used weather books.” -Brenda (1st) “I liked writing down facts and then saying it. We got to put it on the iPAD. We taught people about tornadoes.” -Kaden (1st) “I learned a lot about earthquakes and how to work with new people and share ideas. My group listed ways to survive with our plan. We made a magic raincoat that food and water would come out of. We thought it was creative and we did a good job!” -Bhoomika (5th) “I liked making the model and working on the poster with my group. My group taught how to survive in a volcano and made a survival kit.” -Jacob (5th)
Reflecting on our 1st year… Work in progress Let go of control Scale it down Inquiry still needs guidance at times Focus on the standards (need DOK1 and build to DOK4) Build a Culture – students need practice and modeling Choice varies depending on grade level Visit & Share with other schools Add to/change up what you are already doing ++Test scores improved & higher with PBL Units ++Student engagement was high ++Teachers/students incorporated more technology tools
Technology Tools Nearpod (FREE Live Lesson/Paid Student Paced) Flipgrid (one class grid FREE) Padlet Plickers Pebble Go (PAID) MachinVia QR Codes Office 365 Seesaw Chatterpix Tellagami TeleStory Touchcast
PBL, PL, & Technology Resources Creek View PBL Creek View Professional Development Buck Institute of Education
Thank you for attending our session. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Crissy Wade PBL Coach @crissywade Adrienne Hunter 4th Grade Teacher @mshuntersheroes