Making Cross-campus, Inter-institutional Collaborations Work Klara Jelinkova Associate Vice President & Chief Information Technology Officer University of Chicago Estelle McGroarty Associate VPR/Asst. Provost, Libraries, Computing and Technology Michigan State University Mike Fary Enterprise Architect Christy Long Director, IT Service Operations, Digital Library Technologies Penn State University
What is CIC and the CIC Data Storage group? CIC – Committee for Institutional Cooperation (Big 10 plus University of Chicago) Number of active collaborations including CIC Data Storage The data storage work group consists of campus representatives from IT, libraries, research offices, super computing centers and research computing support units
How is the project organized from a CIC perspective? CIC provides programmatic support CIO collaborator keeps fellow CIOs, Provosts, VPRs and Head Librarians informed Self organizing teams around topics of interest (workgroups include cross organizational representatives) Linking faculty research projects sponsored by the Provosts with the initiative Monthly status calls Annual face-to-face meeting
How is the project organized from campus perspective? CIOs, VPRs and Head Librarians select their representatives as appropriate for each campus They receive updates from both their campus reps as well as regular updates via the CIC channel At all points CIC collaborations ask how to best support both collaborative efforts and local campus needs Linkage and collaborations with national initiatives that member institutions are pursuing (DMP tool, Data Conservancy, etc.)
Efforts by the Group National/International Data Repositories - An up-to-date list of data repositories available for researchers. NSF/NIH Data Management Plan Support - Resources for researchers needing to comply with the new federal requirement to make federal grant-supported research data persistently available. Shared Research Data Services - Exploration of researcher-desired data services leveraged across the CIC, beginning with exploration of an "ask an expert" service.
Questions for the Audience What approaches might be used to gain input on how research data storage and management needs are currently being met and where gaps might exist across the institution? What approaches might be used to determine where and at what level gaps in data storage and management services might best be provided – Library? College? Archives? Central IT? What approaches could be used to have ongoing dialog with the academic research community and across IT service units to coordinate and adapt services to meet the research data services needs of the research community?
Approaches taken at Michigan State University to gain input on Research Data Storage and Management Constituted an ad hoc Task Force of personnel from: Central IT services Libraries Archives Office of the Vice President for Research College and other service data centers Faculty Considered faculty needs Offered workshops to faculty Meet with Research Associate Dean’s group Participated in CIC Data Storage group
Output from the Campus Task Force Adapted library services and web sites providing additional assistance and consulting for data management and storage Publicized national and local data repositories Identified known digital data storage management services offered at college and department levels Identified 4 types of data storage needs Storage and sharing during a project Intermediate storage: 3-5 years Long term storage and archiving Storage of databases
Further Defining the Data Storage and Management Service Needs Next Steps Developed formal connections across: The Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies The Library Central IT (CIO) Office Central IT services Archive services Developed a Research Team within IT Services–as part of reorganization of central IT services. This team using results of ad hoc task force and gathering additional input
Approaches to better define current data management services and define gaps Research Team meeting with College Deans’ offices – Dean, Research Dean, IT staff and key faculty Determine research data storage and management services offered in and by college Determine where gaps might exist that could best be provided centrally Ask about other research IT support needs that exist Consider best approaches to communicate services that are available Consider best approaches to have continued dialogue across IT service units and the colleges and to have input from the research community Similar meetings scheduled with: Service units providing data management support Key faculty
Using input to define solutions Data summarized: Identify current resources and resources needed for data storage and management and approaches for communication Constitute advisory groups of faculty and IT personnel to help prioritize needs and consider solutions to needs Develop a strategic plan for solutions to the research community’s data storage, management and approaches for communication of resources. Request input on proposal from various stakeholders. Modify proposal accordingly Present proposal to Central Administration: CIO, Provost, Vice President for Research
Question Do you have an inventory of skills that would be important to researchers and the management of their data ?
Shared Skills Matrix Sample areas: NSF Data Management Plan Development Data Protection, Legislation, and Ethics Accessing and Citing Data Security Repositories Data Modeling Data Curation Metadata
Ask An Expert Program Each institution will have several people who will serve as the contact points. They will receive questions from faculty and/or researchers, and post those questions to the listhost. These representatives will also be the keepers of the skills inventory at their respective institution. When these representatives intercept a question, they will forward it on to the appropriate skill owner at their institution if one exists. When the query in answered, the institutional representative will post the answer to the listhost, if appropriate, for others to benefit from. If others from the listhost wish to address the question, they are free to do so.
Ask An Expert Program Goals: Inter- and Intra-Institutional Sharing of Expertise Expansion of Expertise Provides for an Organic Development of Knowledge
Discussions Contributed To: Internal strategy conversations about research storage use Institutional Cloud Improved relationships between Library, Research Admin, and IT Partnering with Library on research-related activities
Question Have you explored the workflow necessary to create valid, actionable Data Management Plans ?
Data Management Plans DMP Tool from California Digital Library Shared Experience with Evaluation of Tool
Other Groups, Similar Issues Broad representation across many Higher Ed venues Educause ACTI Data Management Group Association of Research Libraries Coalition for Networked Information
Success Factors Leadership Group composition Comprehensive yet practical approach Relevant and timely