Elizabeth Lord Vice Provost for Academic Personnel Fall Quarter Department Chair Forum November 1, 2005
Call Changes Concerning files that have been given extension on their due dates for legitimate reasons: The CALL: (pg 6) The deans, the Committee on Academic Personnel and the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel feel no obligation to consider cases in which a faculty member does not supply documents and information by the deadlines that chairs may set. Files received after the extension deadline may be returned for re-submission during the next academic year.
Call Changes Career Reviews are being received with a wide range of time since last promotion. To allow for a more meaningful review, the materials allowed to be included, other than publications, will depend on the time since last promotion. The CALL (pg 16): If the time period since last promotion is less than or equal to 5 years, a Career Review file will include materials since the previous promotion or appointment, whichever occurred first.
Call Changes The procedural safeguard exists to protect the candidate and assure that he/she is afforded all the rights available within the academic personnel process. Files received without a signed procedural safeguard form will not be accepted for review starting at the department level. The only exception to this would be for mandatory reviews. The CALL (pg 33) Every personnel review file submitted is required to have a Procedural Safeguards Statement signed by the candidate. If the candidate should refuse to sign, the file will not be accepted for review
Discussion Items Requirement of faculty teaching evaluation by students and by another agency (APM 210) Chairs are encouraged to visit classes or assign a colleague to visit a class and provide a written evaluation for the file 2005-2006 departmental voting procedures on record with Academic Personnel Encourage faculty to request access to records / Chairs can also request access to records for their departmental faculty (APM 160) Confidentiality & consequences (APM 015) Electronic Files (TBA)
Discussion Items - continued Academic Personnel move to the Surge Building Academic Personnel Staff Training at the departmental level - necessity for cross training Recruitment Tool Kit – TBA Leaves An appointee may be granted a leave with pay to attend a professional meeting or for University business (APM 752) Academic personnel appointed on an academic-year basis are expected to be in residence from the day designated in the University Calendar as the opening of the Fall term through the end of the Spring term. Academic-year appointees do not accrue vacation leave. (APM 730)