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6 facts about mercury a year on mercury is just 88 days long. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Mercury is the most cratered planet in our solar system. only two spacecrafts have visited Mercury. Mercury is named after the messenger of the Roman gods. Mercury has just 38% the gravity on Earth, This is to little to hold on to what atmosphere it has which is blown away by solar winds.
Venus The clouds are so think that little light only reaches the surface.The light that does reach the surface is converted to heat and cannot escape the atmosphere, making Venus the hottest planet at around 500 degrees Celsius. Venus doesn't feature any liquid water. its size is slightly smaller than earth. the atmosphere on Venus is mainly made up of carbon dioxide. the surface of Venus is often described as a "stormy desert"which is full of lots of craters and active volcanoes. the surface is also likened to molten lead.
Earth the earth was once to believed to be the center of the earth. the earth's rotation is gradually slowing down. the earth has a powerful magnetic field. there is only one natural satellite on the planet earth which is the moon. Earth is the only planet not named after a god. of all the planets in our solar system, earth has the most destiny.
Mars Mars and Earth has apromxamly the same landmass. only 18 missions TO MARS HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL. mars has the largest dust storms in the solar system. on mars, the sun appears about half the size as it does on earth. pieces of mars have fallen to earth. mars takes it's name from a Roman god of war.
Jupiter Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the solar system. Jupiter has the shortest day of all the planets. Jupiter orbits the sun once every 11.8 earth years. Jupiter has unique cloud features. the great red spot is a huge storm on Jupiter. Jupiter has a thin ring system.
Saturn Saturn can be seen byhe naked eye. Saturn IS THE flattest planet. Saturn orbits the sun every 29.4 earth years. Saturn is mostly made of hydrogen. Saturn has 150 moons and smaller moonlets. four spacecrafts have ever visited Saturn.
Uranus hllnnhhhgggggbbhhhhggjbbbb sssygjfgvgdsfvuhvhuvhfghfggfffhu lklk Uranus turns on its axis once every 17 hours,14 minutes. Uranus IS OFTEN REFERRED AS AN "ICE GIANT" ONLY ONE SPACECRAFT HAS FLOWN BY URANUS.
Neptune Neptune was not know to the ancients. Neptune spins on its axis very rapidly. Neptune is the smallest ice giant. Neptune has a very active climate. Neptune has a very thin collection of rings. only one spacecraft has flown by Neptune.
Pluto(dwarf planet) pluto is named after the Roman god of the underworld. pluto has five known moons. Pluto is the largest dwarf planet. Pluto is one third water. Pluto is smaller than a number of moons. PLUTO SOMETIMES has an atmosphere.