What Does Professional Registration Chair, Education Workforce Council Mean for You? Angela Jardine Chair, Education Workforce Council
Being a member of a professional body (the EWC) will offer a number of benefits for you. For example, working with Welsh Government, the National Training Federation Wales, Colleges Wales, WBL providers and other stakeholders the Council will: raise the status and standing of the education workforce improve public understanding of your contribution to education in Wales maintain public confidence in the education workforce promote professional development establish professional standards across the education workforce provide advice to the Welsh Government on education workforce issues promote recruitment to the education workforce
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PASSPORT (PLP) E portfolio for you to record your CPD, reflect on it and plan your career path National, online from EWC website Stays with you if you change setting Useful tools and links Performance Management Learning Wales Hwb Research Free training
“This is one snappy little number that collects just about anything the user wants to put into it to build up a holistic picture of the user that can be used in a whole range of ways, from a reflective journal as part of a qualification to a full blown interactive CV and record of CPD.”
Research engagement group We host a Research Engagement Group (REG) comprised of practitioners and others with experience of, and interest in, research in the areas of teaching and learning in order to: Support our work in the area of research, including facilitating critical access by education practitioners to research Promote engagement by practitioners in, and with, research Promote engagement between practitioners and others engaging in research, including HEI-based researchers.
KEY POINTS FOR YOU Your registration Keep your record on the Register up to date Try the PLP Take a look at the Code and read the good practice guides Get Involved Become a panel or Council member Write for website, tweet us, showcase your work Stay informed Termly email Website, Twitter, E newsletter More EWC sessions e.g. PLP training, social media training
CONTACT DETAILS E-mail media@ewc.wales Website www.ewc.wales Telephone 029 2046 0099 E-mail media@ewc.wales Website www.ewc.wales Twitter @ewc_cga E newsletter Subscribe from website
In that space is our power to choose our response. “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor E Frankl