Chapter 3 “The American Colonies take Shape” Section 2 “The American Colonies and England” Page 72-79
Vocabulary Magna Carta Parliament English Bill of Rights Habeas Corpus Salutary Neglect Mercantilism Navigation Acts Enlightenment Benjamin Franklin Great Awakening
Homework: Read Ch. 3 sec. 2 pg Homework: Read Ch. 3 sec. 2 pg. 72-79 (Red Book) Identify Terms, Copy & Answer Check point Reading Questions 1) How did the Glorious Revolution affect the 13 colonies? 2) What was the purpose of the Navigation acts? 3) What was the significance of the Great Awakening on the Colonies?
Discussion Questions (Blue Book) 1) How did mercantilism influence England’s colonial laws and foreign policy? Page 71-72 2) Why were colonies important to an economy based on mercantilism? Page 71-72 3) What was Britain’s colonial policy in the early 1700s? Page 73 4) Why did the Great Awakening both resolve and contribute to religious tensions? Pg 92 5) How did the English Civil War affect the development of the colonies? Page 72-73
1) How did mercantilism influence England’s colonial laws and foreign policy? Page 71-72
2) Why were colonies important to an economy based on mercantilism 2) Why were colonies important to an economy based on mercantilism? Page 71-72
3) What was Britain’s colonial policy in the early 1700s? Page 73
4) Why did the Great Awakening both resolve and contribute to religious tensions? Pg 92
5) How did the English Civil War affect the development of the colonies? Page 72-73
Red Book: Copy & answer Checkpoint questions page 72-79 1) How did the Glorious Revolution affect the 13 colonies? 2) What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts? 3) What was the significance of the Great Awakening on the colonies? 4) Focus question: How did English ideas about government and the economy influence life in the 13 colonies?
Review-Prepare your response Cards
The Glorious Revolution was a A) coup in England during which King William was overthrown. B) coup in England during which King James II was overthrown. C) rebellion in the colonies which led to colonial self-rule. D) rebellion in the colonies which led to the Navigation Acts.
In return for allowing salutary neglect, England expected A) colonial cooperation with its economic policies. B) colonial cooperation with its religious policies. C) an end to mercantilism D) an increase in good imported to the colonies from other countries.
Which of these was encouraged under Mercantilism? A) only the decreased export of goods. B) Increased import of goods and decreased export of goods. C) only the decreased production of goods. D) increased export of goods and decreased import of goods.
Which best describes the Enlightenment? A) It embraced religion. B) It opposed slavery. C) It promoted traditional values. D) It challenged old ways of thinking.
True/False In New England, the Puritans established republics with elected governors.
True/False The jury agreed and found John Peter Zenger guilty for libel.
True/False During the 1600s and 1700s, Europe experienced an intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment.
True/False During the 1700s, a pattern of trade emerged that connected England and the Americans called Triangular trade.
True/False Ministers during the Great Awakening accepted the Enlightenment view that everything in the world could be explained by natural law and logic.