Salman bin Abdulaziz University College of Science and Humanity Studies, Al-Kharj
Department of English Level8 (2nd Semester)
Course Symbol & Code: ENG4860 Course Title :Syntax& Morphology
Prepared by Teacher: Bahia Khalifa Ibrahim
Objectives: The lecture will provide information about the processes of word formation Different types of these processes.
Word-formation A process with the result of a new lexeme.
Derivation: is one of the major processes of word formation in English Derivation: is one of the major processes of word formation in English. Derivational morphemes can produce new words from existing words in two ways. First, they can change the meaning of a word. e.g. true, untrue. Second, they can change the lexical category of a word, e.g.(true) is an adjective, (truly) an adverd, (truth) a noun.
Affixation Preffixation disrespect rearrange Suffixation harmful management
More Examples for Derivation Meaning Prefix Disrespect, unsteady, antibiotic, deactivate Opposite, negative Dis,un, anti, de Exchange, exarticulate, Out, upward, previous -ex Replay, reopen, reorganize Again, repeatedly re- Non-smoker, nonabsorptive Absence, negation Non-
Example Meaning suffix Designer, actor, linear Creates an agent noun Er,or,ar Effectiveness, hesitation, treatment Verb to noun derivation Ness, ation, ment merciless Lack of less, Rationalize, memorize, hyphenate Create verbs Ize, ate Accidental, believable imaginary, peaceful Create adjectives Al, able, ary, ful
Compounding: Examples There are four kinds of compounding: Endocentric: A(modifier)+ B( head) sea power Exocentric: A+B: compound with an unexpressed semantic head: paleface ( they mostly refer to deprecative properties of people) Copulative: A+B: the sum of what A &B denote: bittersweet
Appositional: Different descriptions for a common referent: singer-songwriter Some compounds are hyphenated, others are written separately and some are written as one word
Non-affixation Blending bromance Borrowing Boss, piano, alcohol Initialism& Acronyms DNA,NATO, UNESCO,
Blending: Examples Fanzine: fan+ magazine Spork: spoon+fork Spanglish: Spanish+ English
Borrowing& Calque: Examples Borrowing is the process of actually taking words from other languages. Risk: Italian Basmati: Hindi Something with a pleasant aroma Prima donna: Italian ill-tempered person Calque: Another term for loan translation, describes the process of literally or word-for-word translations to create new words: skycraper , loan word
Intialism& Acronomy: They are shortenings, build from the initial letters in a phrase or name. Acronoms are pronounced as single words ( NASA, AIDS) Intialisms are pronounced as a sequence of letters: DNA,USA, ICU
Sub-divisions of Acronyms & Initialims: Acronyms containing non-initial letters: Interpol: International Criminal Police Organization Radar: radio detection and ranging
Pronounced as a combination as Acronyms & Initialims: CD-ROM, JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group Recursive Initialims: In which the abbreviation refers to itself: PHP-PHP hypertexet pre-processor Pseudo- Initialims: Consists of a sequence of characters that when pronounced as intended, invoke other, longer words( IOU, CU) I owe you, See you
Neologism/Coinage Inventing entirely new words: Xerox, Kleenex, Nutella Eponyms: Words that are based on the name of a person or a place: watt, ohm, volt
Reduplication/ Echoism A special kind of compounding, it is a repetition of a syllable or the word as whole( sometimes vowel change) and then putting them together: bye-bye(exact reduplication) super-duper( rhyming reduplication) chit-chat, ding-dang( ablaut reduplication) motion Reduplication is used to denote plurality, intensification or repeated action.
Onomatopoeia The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named: bloop, splash, spray, sprinkle, squirt, drip, drizzle, bang, boom, meow, boo, The buzzing bee flew away. The sack fell into the river with a splash. The books fell on the table with a loud thump. He looked at the roaring sky. The rustling leaves kept me awake.
Important sites English Grammar: Learn about Word Formation English Grammar: Learn about Word Formation Morphology Word Formation(for more examples)