RTD Bike Parking and Accessibility Plan RTD Board: Planning and Development Committee May 13, 2014
Purpose of the Plan Define strategies to get more transit patrons biking to and parking at RTD facilities, because: Demand for Bike-on-Bus and Bike-on-Rail is growing, little opportunity for capacity increase Over 50% of RTD customers live or work within 3 miles of their transit stop Satisfaction ratings and lease rates for bike lockers are low Census indicates nearly 3% of Denver residents commute by bike (doubled since 2005)
Plan Elements Compile Background Information Existing Conditions Assessment Field Visits Customer Survey Peer Agency Best Practices Methodology for Determining Bike Parking Coordination Recommendations and Report
Bike Parking Background Information Planning/Design Various facility design criteria (2005-2011) Transit Access Guidelines (2009) Current Operations Program administered by RTD Planning, Customer Service, and Safety, Security and Facilities Departments $30 to lease a locker for 6 months All lockers locked at all times Current locker lease rates Of 750 bike lockers system-wide, 40% are leased 2013 Bike Locker Lease Rates by Facility
Types of Bike Parking RTD Provides Racks Inverted “U” Circle Wave Art Lockers Standard lockers Vertical lockers Bike Trees
Bus-then-Bike Shelters Currently owned and administered by Boulder County Three locations in operation in Boulder County 8th & Coffman PnR Table Mesa PnR 28th & Iris bus stop Secure, swipe-card entry Free to use
Existing Conditions Assessment Purpose: Document the quantity, type, location, and condition of bicycle parking at and bike access adjacent to RTD facilities Bike Parking Count, Type, Total Bike Parking Capacity Location/Convenience Condition/Damage General Facility Information Safety Issues (e.g. Bus/Bike Conflict Area, etc.) Existing Bike Signage Need for Wayfinding Signage Presence of Bike Lanes/Trails Near Transit Facility
Site Visit Map Example Jessica – add map and talk about how the data collected is being displayed on the facility profiles
Customer Survey RTD conducted an online survey February 14 - 28, 2014 1,283 cyclists in the metropolitan area responded The survey looked to explore: Current bike, bike locker/rack and bike-on-bus use behaviors Barriers to locker/rack usage Factors impacting cyclists’ decision to ride to and/or park at a station Interest in bus-then-bike shelters
Customer Survey Outcomes
Positive Reactions to Bus-then-Bike Shelters Customer Survey Outcomes Positive Reactions to Bus-then-Bike Shelters
Remaining Plan Elements Case studies - review bike parking and performance at: Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), Boston Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), San Francisco TriMet, Portland, Oregon Create a methodology for determining bike parking needs at future stations Final meeting with RTD Internal Working Group
Project Schedule May: Research Peer Agencies Early June: Methodology to determine future bike parking needs Late June: Recommendations and Internal Working Group meeting July: Draft Report August: Final Report
Genevieve Hutchison 303-299-2054 Genevieve.Hutchison@RTD-Denver.com Questions Genevieve Hutchison 303-299-2054 Genevieve.Hutchison@RTD-Denver.com