EU opportunities possibly matching the archives Marens Engelhard National Archivist of the Netherlands November 28th – 29th 2016
Priorities EAG/EBNA The Hague, june 2016 Topic Important Urgent E-archiving 18 22 Dataprotection 8 19 Reorganization EAG 16 Benchmarking 7 Position Archives 17 9 Archives Development EU Projects 5 12 Research & Development 10 Communication Proposal for public affairs -
Horizon 2020: the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.
OVER 130 CALLS IN HORIZON2020 PROGRAMME 2016-2017 Potential archives related calls Topic ID Topic-title Type of action Budget Opening Deadline EINFRA-21-2017 Platform driven e-infrastructure innovation RIA 20.000.000 8 december 2016 29 maart 2017 ICT-14-2016-2017 Big Data PPP: cross-sectorial en cross-lingual data integration and experimentation IA 27.000.000 25 april 2017 ICT-16-2017 Big Data PPP: research addressing main technology challenges of the data economy 33.000.000 24 april 2017 ICT-23-2017 Interfaces for accessibility 10.000.000 CO-CREATION-06-2017 Policy-development in the age of big data: data driven policy-making, policy-modelling and policy-implementation 11.500.000 4 oktober 2016 2 februari 2017 CULT-COOP-09-2017 European Cultural Heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past 9.000.000 13 september 2017 CULT-COOP-11-2016/2017 Understanding the transformation of European public administrations 7.000.000 DS-08-2017 Privacy, data protection, digital identities 17.600.000 1 maart 2017 24 augustus 2017 OVER 130 CALLS IN HORIZON2020 PROGRAMME 2016-2017 Type of action RIA = Research & innovation actions IA = Innovation actions
Possible archives related calls Topic ID Topic-title Type of action Budget Opening Deadline EINFRA-21-2017 Platform driven e-infrastructure innovation RIA 20.000.000 8 december 2016 29 maart 2017 ICT-14-2016-2017 Big Data PPP: cross-sectorial en cross-lingual data integration and experimentation IA 27.000.000 25 april 2017 ICT-16-2017 Big Data PPP: research addressing main technology challenges of the data economy 33.000.000 24 april 2017 ICT-23-2017 Interfaces for accessibility 10.000.000 CO-CREATION-06-2017 Policy-development in the age of big data: data driven policy-making, policy-modelling and policy-implementation 11.500.000 4 oktober 2016 2 februari 2017 CULT-COOP-09-2017 European Cultural Heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past 9.000.000 13 september 2017 CULT-COOP-11-2016/2017 Understanding the transformation of European public administrations 7.000.000 DS-08-2017 Privacy, data protection, digital identities 17.600.000 1 maart 2017 24 augustus 2017 Type of action RIA = Research & innovation actions IA = Innovation actions
Het e-Depot van het Nationaal Archief - WVI | 11 oktober 2011
Most feasible Type of action RIA = Research & innovation actions IA = Innovation actions
European Cultural Heritage, access and CULT-COOP-09-2017 European Cultural Heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past Scope Create affordable and efficient digital access, documentary methods analysis en preservation services for cultural resources in order to better understand and inform the present by richer interpretations of the past. Expected impact New ways of taking into account the state-of-the-art in computer science and big data management Improve the understanding of the rich diversity of European cultural heritage and create added value for the society e-depot als systeem het geheel van documenten, metadata, processen, procedures, kennis, regels, middelen en mensen waarmee een persoon of organisatie zich voorziet van betrouwbare en duurzame informatie ten behoeve van bedrijfsvoering, herinnering en verantwoording.
Proposal 1 Use the Archive Portal Europe Foundation as current focus for European projects of the EAG Do not put energy in new programs or projects Make use and interact with the DLM forum APEF is sustainable but needs further development Issues to be developed include many issues of general interest to EAG For example: Interoperability Public accesibility and user friendliness E discovery Het e-Depot van het Nationaal Archief - WVI | 11 oktober 2011
Advantages Opportunities APEF already exists The technical infrastructure exists The governance is in place It has a succesful EU track record No need to explore new project opportunities No need to form new consortia Build upon earlier efforts and achievements Opportunities Introduce new concepts to APEF Increase visibility and exposure of European archives Het e-Depot van het Nationaal Archief - WVI | 11 oktober 2011
Points of attention How to ensure that development of APEF has relevance to most EAG members Knowledge about technology and methods should be disseminated among AEG participants Is the relation APEF – EUROPEANA a risk? Other? Het e-Depot van het Nationaal Archief - WVI | 11 oktober 2011
Two possible strategies Try to obtain new EU funding for further development of APEF. Respond to the call for projects in Horizon 2020 European Cultural Heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past Het e-Depot van het Nationaal Archief - WVI | 11 oktober 2011
Proposal 2 Investigate which strategy is most likely to be succesful Mandate a subgroup of EAG to draft a proposal for option 1 or 2 Have an e-mail consultation among EAG members about highlights in the proposal Pool resources to finance drafting of a request or project proposal After succesful application resources could be refunded Het e-Depot van het Nationaal Archief - WVI | 11 oktober 2011