6th Framework Programme


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Presentation transcript:

6th Framework Programme Rules for participation and practical hints for proposal submission Reinhold Gruber Secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe BIT - Bureau for International Research- and Technology Cooperation http://www.bit.ac.at E-mail: gruber@bit.ac.at

Content Rules for participation Evaluation Model contract - Consortium agreement Hints for a successful proposal Financial rules

EU + Associated States Türkei Island Norwegen Liechtenstein Schweiz Israel Türkei

Participation (1) EU and Candidate Countries: (full and equal rights) => Participation and financial contribution Associated States: wie EFTA, Israel, Turkey => Participation and financial contribution INCO-Third Countries: Mediterranean, Western Balkan, Russia and NIS, Developing Countries => Participation and financial contribution (in specific areas) International Organisations of european interest: CERN, ESA => like legal entity in member state Joint Research Centre (JRC): => like legal entity in member state

Participation (2) Third countries with S&T cooperation agreement: e.g USA, Canada, China, Australia, Soth Africa => Participation as to the conditions of the individual agreement Other third countries: => participation possible, if requested Minimum number of participants: 3 independent legal entities in MS or AS > (2 of MS* or CC*) except: Human resource and mobility, Specific Support Actions *MS: Member State *CC: Candidate Country

Core criteria & Criteria for new instruments New Additional criteria Evaluation Core criteria & Criteria for new instruments To be specified and complemented in workprogrammes according to instrument and activity New Additional criteria Synergies with education, role of women in research, societal impact Not compulsory Exclusion criteria Violation of fundamental ethical principles New Financial irregularities

Evaluation New Two-stage evaluation procedure If specified in the call for proposals New Evaluation on a non-anonymous basis Unless otherwise specified in call for proposal

Evaluation Scientific and technological excellence Management Core criteria Scientific and technological excellence Management Relevance to the specific programme European added value Quality of the plan using and disseminating the knowlewdge

Model contract - Consortium agreement Model contract: no final version - contractual relation between all participants and Commission NEW! Contract enters into force with signature between coordinator and Commission; Project start as to the contract NEW! Collective responsibility of the participants (technical and financial) Limited in proportion to the participant’s share to the project, up to the total payment they received IOs, public bodies or entities guaranteed by MS/AS solely responsible for their own debts Consortium agreement: defines internal organisation and management of the consortium NEW! Obligatory , unless explicitly stated in call text Non binding guidelines published by the Commission

Submission of proposals More simple forms Combined description of consortium and tasks - Part B and C (like FP5), but non anonymous New electronic submission system - Offline-Tool starting mid January 2003 - WWW-based online-Tool starting provisionally mid February 2003

Submission form - part A A1 - General information about proposal: title, short description, keywords etc. A2 - Information about coordinator and partners (1 page per partner): Name of organisation, addresse, SME yes or no etc. A3 - Cost sheet (1 page for consortium): 1 line per partner with costs per type of activity

Formal criteria Deadline: Please respect the deadline Minimum number of indipendent participants (see work programme and call text) Is the proposal complete? All special requirements of the call text are fulfilled? (e.g. SME,..)

Hints for a successful proposal Pay careful attention to the documents: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/index_en.html Work programme - Call text Guide for proposers Guide for evaluators - The proposal touches upon all relevant requested topics? - (Guide for Evaluators is even more detailled than the evaluation manual!) Special attention to the management of the project (Graphic illustration!)

Financial rules Flexibility and autonomy for the consortium New! Calls for additional partners possible (with additional financial EU contribution) Types of financial contribution Grant for integration (NoE), lump sum (e.g fellowships), grant to the budget (e.g IP) Neu! Monitoring of the project by auditor (esp. IP, NoE) Neu! EU-Audit on the participants (esp. IP and NoE)

Community financial contribution - NoE New: no “cost”- approach EU-contribution: “Incentive” for structural changes, sustainable integration EU-contribution as a fixed grant Calculated on the basis of the number of researchers integrated in the network more detailled financial rules – work programme Yearly contribution: 20k€/researcher and year Europäischer Mehrwert kritische Masse der mobilisierten Ressourcen, erwartete Wirkung oder Beitrag zur Gemeinschaftspolitik Nutzung und Verberitung der Ergebnisse: Innovationspotenzial, IPR-Management Fähigkeit zur Durchführung der Maßnahme: Kompetenz des Konsortiums, Ressourcen, Management

Community financial contribution - IP 3 Cost models Full cost („FC“) actual direct and indirect costs New „FCF“ (Type of FC-model) actual direct costs + lump sum for indirect costs (20%) for Universities: Additional costs („AC“): actual additional direct costs + lump sum for indirect costs (20%) Limits of EU-contribution per activity Demonstration, research, training, coordination 100% for management & training Note: 7% limit for management costs Universities: up to 100% of additional costs for all activities of the project

Cost models

Reimbursement rates (1)

Reimbursement rates (2)

Useful links Rules for participation: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/pdf/rules_en.pdf Model contract (provisional): http:europa.eu.int/comm/ research/fp6/working-groups/model-contract/index_en.html Nonbinding checklist for consortium agreement: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/working-groups/model-contract/pdf/checklist.pdf General documents - Framework Programme: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/index_en.html Documents - project types: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/nfp/networks-ip.html

Contact BIT - Bureau for International Research- and Technology Cooperation Donau City Strasse 1 1220 Wien Reinhold Gruber Secretariat for Central and Eastern Europe Tel.: 581 16 16 - 108 Fax: 581 16 16 - 16 E-mail: gruber@bit.ac.at