WP L4: Chemical Characterization of CCN and IN Thomas F. Mentel Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, and Andreas Wahner Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geospere Institute 2: Troposphere Research Center Jülich VI-ACI2007
WP L4: Chemical Characterization of CCN and IN Milestones WP L4 MS L4A Chemical characterisation of particles at AIDA (ICG-II, Uni-MZ, month 24) MS L4B Chemical characterisation of particles at LACIS (IfT, ICG-II, Uni-MZ, month 24) MS L4C Process understanding for in-situ coating of pre-existing CCN and IN assessed (ICG-II, month 30) MS L4D Couple ZINC chamber to mass spectrometers (ETH, Uni-MZ, month 24) Work Package L4: Milestones VI-ACI2007
The Jülich Travel Package PTR-MS Reactive VOC Organic Vapors Density Shape factors Chem. Composition Q-AMS Chem. Composition O/C ratio N/C ratio WToF-AMS Instrumentation VI-ACI2007
The Jülich Travel Package Hygroscopicity Tandem - DMA Master Thesis Angela Buchholz - RH > 95% DRH Succinic Acid: 97.5±2% (LACIS 99%) Humidograms of Oxalic Acid, Oxalates renew Vaisala's improve T measurement DMT CCN Spectrometer PhD Thesis Angela Buchholz Test Set up (2006) Calibration Setup Compact Set up (12/2007) Instrumentation VI-ACI2007
Hygroscopic Growth Measurement: SOA - 3 Trees Plant Chamber Jülich: HT-DMA results VI-ACI2007
CCN-Measurement: CCN/CN + Cumulative Size Distribution ss 0.4% ss 0.6% ss 0.8% ss 1.0% Plant Chamber Jülich: CCN results VI-ACI2007
Comparison of Critical Diameters of 2 Events with Pines Compound Classes MT: Monoterpenes SQT: Sesquiterpenes OVOC: Other VOC 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Supersaturation [%] 47±1 nm 43±2 nm 54±3 nm 46±3 nm 63±5 nm 50 ±6 nm 76±14 nm nd late event early event #060516 57±3 nm - 62±3 nm 72±4 nm 67±4 nm 91±8 nm 90±10 nm #060518 Plant Chamber Jülich: CCN results VI-ACI2007
AIDA Chemical Characterization LACIS close cooperation with Johannes Schneider Uni Mainz Modification of CCN and IN by inorganic and organic coatings (LExNO2005) Q-AMS, WtoF-AMS HTDMA CCN-Spectrometer Modification of CCN and IN properties by SOA components (SOA2005 and SOA2006) PTR-MS Q-AMS, WtoF-AMS HTDMA CCN-Spectrometer On-site cooperations VI-ACI2007
On-site Collaboration at AIDA SOA formation – f(T) PTR-MS: Reactand Product Vapor Scavenging AMS: Particulate Organic Mass and Composition SOA Density ~1.3 g/cm3
AMS at LACIS (IfT): CCN activity of coated soot Non Compacted – Compacted m/z=60 m/z=73 On-site cooperations: LACIS VI-ACI2007
The SAPHIR Chamber at FZ-Jülich Cylindrical shape V=280 m3 SAPHIR geöffnet Formation and processing of CCN (and IN) Natural light Low concentration levels Long time scales SAPHIR VI-ACI2007
The SAPHIR Chamber Instrumentation OH (DOAS) OH, HO2, RO2 LIF NO3 (DOAS) NO, NOX, NOY (chemiluminiscence) O3 (UV absorption) Photolysis rates (spectral photometer, filter radiometer) "Meteorology" (T, P, convection, r.H.) VOCs: GC/FID GC-MS PTR-MS Aerosols: UCPC SMPS Q-AMS WToF-AMS HTDMA CCN-Spectrometer VI-ACI P/ZINC -> SAPHIR Chamber LACIS field -> SAPHIR Chamber ?! SAPHIR VI-ACI2007
SOA Formation and Aging in SAPHIR Chamber in Jülich: First Experiments Quantification of aerosol processes on long time scales Climate Isoprene Follow up from AIDA 03/2005 Cloud Formation POM Volume Interaction With Water Vapor Chemically Aged Aerosols Number - CCN Spec. - HTDMA - OPTICAL ?! Pollutants / Nutrients SAPHIR VI-ACI2007 Eco Systems
SAPHIR Chamber in Jülich: Monoterpene Oxidation, SOA Formation and Aging a-Pinene 10/2005 Product and direct OH radical measurements, low ambient concentration range, comparison with gas phase chemistry model PTR-MS SMPS particle size distribution DOAS SAPHIR VI-ACI2007
a-Pinene + NO3 SAPHIR VI-ACI2007
a-Pinene + NO3 NH4NO3 / HNO3 SAPHIR VI-ACI2007
Results from the AMS MS-mode SAPHIR VI-ACI2007
Comparison of Mass Spectra SAPHIR VI-ACI2007
Comparison of Mass Spectra HOA and OOA values: Qi Zhang pers. com. isoprene + OH vs. a-pinene + O3 SAPHIR VI-ACI2007
Comparison of Mass Spectra HOA and OOA values: Qi Zhang pers. com. a-pinene + O3 vs. a-pinene + NO3 SAPHIR VI-ACI2007
Interests of FZJ group: CCN activity – Precursors and Formation CCN activity – Chemical Composition Focus on secondary organic components CCN activity – Modification by coatings IN – Modifications by coatings IN/CCN – Characterization of coatings Focus FZJ VI-ACI2007