MTR & 3rd CRYMCEPT meeting


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Presentation transcript:

MTR & 3rd CRYMCEPT meeting Discussion on WP9 Dissemination of project results to European end users Florent Engelmann and Ehsan Dulloo, IPGRI University of Derby, UK. 13-15 September, 2005

Objectives of the workshops 1. To disseminate the improved cryopreservation protocols and analytical techniques developed by the project participants to relevant European research institutes and genebanks through the organization and implementation of two specialized training courses. 2. To provide policy makers first hand information on the potential of the new cryopreservation protocols

Main points to be discussed (as identified during last year’s meeting) Dates and places of training workshops Content of workshops Involvement of project trainers Identification of trainees Need to produce a document

Main points to be discussed (as identified during last year’s meeting) Dates and places of training workshops Content of workshops Involvement of project trainers Identification of trainees Need to produce a document

Dates and Places of Training Workshops 2 volunteers! K.U.Leuven, Belgium: first workshop; Tentative date: May, 2005 IRD Montpellier, France: second workshop; tentative date October, 2005 (+ final Crymcept meeting linked with this workshop?) Comments: Check availability of programme trainers and of facilities (e.g. preferably not during exams or academic term)

Main points to be discussed (as identified during last year’s meeting) Dates and places of training workshops Content and programme of workshops Involvement of project trainers Identification of trainees Need to produce a document

Content of the workshops Two main components in each workshop: Presentation of different cryopreservation techniques with different materials. This corresponds to WP8 in the project. Presentation of analytical tools developed during the project, and some of them demonstrated in order to show how they helped establishing/improving the protocols WP1: DSC; WP2: proteins; WP3: sugars; WP4: membrane components; WP5: polyamines; WP6: molecular markers; WP7: oxidative stress/antioxidant protection, DNA methylation One during which we would implement different cryopreservation techniques with different materials (this would correspond to the "classical“ courses that many of us have already run). This corresponds to WP8 in the project. One during which the analytical tools developed during the project will be presented, and some of them demonstrated in order to show how they helped establishing/improving the protocols WP1: DSC; WP2: proteins; WP3: sugars; WP4: membrane components; WP5: polyamines; WP6: molecular markers; WP7: oxidative stress/antioxidant protection, DNA methylation 21-26th November, 1999

Workshops Programme Two options suggested: Option A: first day for general presentations of different natures (presentation of CRYMCEPT, importance and role of cryo for conservation of PGR, etc.) Series of lectures and practicals during the first week, each lasting for 1/2 to 1 day per WP (1 to 7), depending on whether the session for each workpackage includes only lectures (because equipment is not available on the spot), or whether equipment (e.g. DSC machine) is available for demonstration. 3-4 days during the second week to implement freezing protocols (WP8) + general conclusion

Each team responsible for WP 1 to 7 do two things : Workshops Programme Option B: First day for general presentations (presentation of CRYMCEPT, importance and role of cryo for conservation of PGR, etc.) Each team responsible for WP 1 to 7 do two things : a. Explanation and/or demonstration of the analytical tool(s) for cryopreservation of experimental material + general conclusion b. Trainees would thus see and /or manipulate a series of very different materials, depending on the material/tool. Both items would take 1-1.5 days, depending if practicals/demos can be organized for both the freezing protocol and for the development of the analytical tool(s) where the workshop takes place. Both options (A&B) would require the same duration (approx. 8-9 working days)

Main points to be discussed (as identified during last year’s meeting) Dates and places of training workshops Content and programmes of workshops Involvement of project trainers Identification of trainees Need to produce a document

Involvement of project trainers Depends on Option chosen (A or B) and on location of workshop Option A: project trainers would have to stay for a significant duration of the (if not the whole) workshop. Negative effect on costs Interactions between trainers and trainees improved? Option B: presence of project trainers on the location of the workshops necessary for a much shorter period. Positive effect on cost of the workshops. Make sure to keep sufficient time for direct interactions between trainers/trainees.

Main points to be discussed (as identified during last year’s meeting) Dates and places of training workshops Content of workshops Involvement of project trainers Identification of trainees Need to produce a document

Identification of trainees Eligibility of candidates: Clarify eligibility of participants to the workshops (i.e. EU/Non-EU countries?) Number of trainees: total of 30 trainees - 15 in each workshop. (Important to discuss kinds/level of participation i.e. Scientist, Technicians and Policy makers; What is the right balance?). Nominations of trainees: IPGRI (Europe Group) to contact National ECP-GR coordinators + CRYMCEPT partners to propose possible candidates

Identification of trainees Selection: IPGRI responsibility, but based on criteria list to be agreed at this meeting. Qualification of candidate (level of expertise of candidate) Current job of the candidate (Technician, Scientist, Policy Maker) Previous experience in cryopreservation work Status of Institute in the country (Does the institute have a cryopreservation plan?) Status of country (developed or developing country) Type of germplasm of importance in the country (i.e. which crops being worked on in the project, etc..)

Identification of trainees Time frame proposed: Selection criteria to be finalized by end of September 2004 Letter to be sent to National coordinators through ECP/GR secretariat by 15th October 2004 Deadline for receiving nominations: 31 December 2004. Selection completed by end of January 2005. This would give us ample time (4 months) to organize the workshops.

Identification of trainees Policy makers: clarification needed on what level of policy makers we are talking about? Are they Heads of Research institutions or policy makers at the national government levels? Involvement in workshops (participation in whole workshop, or only general lectures)? Contribution: participation totally free, or contribution requested (differential, depending on institution, e.g. private, developed/developing country?)

Main points to be discussed (as identified during last year’s meeting) Dates and places of training workshops Content of workshops Involvement of project participants Identification of trainees Need to produce a document

Need to produce a document Suggestion to produce a real protocol book or training manual? Need to gather all existing info/documents produced by partners Link to SGRP-funded project (book on cryo protocols that Florent is committed to produce as HRF?