Family-Agency Collaborative Training Team


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Presentation transcript:

Family-Agency Collaborative Training Team FACTT Family-Agency Collaborative Training Team Division of Social Services NC Foster and Adoptive Parents

The mission of FACTT is to unify efforts that support the growth and maintenance of NC family trainer development and family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development FACTT committee established in 2007 Meets 6 times per year (new training partners always welcome) Membership has included social services, mental health, schools, public health, parent and youth advocacy groups, university partners, and family and youth partners Support dissemination and training for partnership planning tool for use in state and national training Developed and deliver 2 -day Co-Training Heart to Heart training in support of a partnership training model

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development Co-Training Heart to Heart workshop was developed to support partnership training teams in all of the child serving systems in North Carolina Co-Training Heart to Heart has been offered 10 times across the state (free to participants) New online resource, A Guide to Family Partner Training , offers peer-to-peer guidance for family and youth trainers thinking about becoming trainers

Co-Training Heart to Heart Offered 10 times to date August 2012, Raleigh SOC grant (pilot of new materials) December 2012, Fayetteville May 2013, Winston; TOT, Winston CFFACE/DSS sponsored March 2014, Wake County May 2014, Alamance County Feb 2015, Durham County June 2015, Charlotte July 2015, Columbus County October 2015, Asheville (co-sponsored by ECAC) April 2016, Charlotte

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To support recruitment efforts for family trainers 134 family and agency training partners have participated in Heart to Heart training events 53 family/youth partner trainers 81 agency partner trainers 26 trainers certified to train Heat to Heart trainers 13 agency partners 13 family or youth partners

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model Center for Family and Community Engagement conducts survey after partnership training events Most recent report indicates that 97.1% of participants who completed the post training survey reflect use of what was learned from the co-training team in performing job (CFFACE-DSS report Q3) Survey feedback from Heart to Heart participants (2015) indicated impact on training efforts in the following ways: Improved training partnerships and communication Supported development of resources for honest feedback Increased trainer skills and competency Increased awareness of family partner voices in training

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To provide leadership in the development of shared documents and outreach to support family partner trainers, training partnerships and trainer development To support efforts to train and model the family-agency trainer partnerships through training and curricula development To support recruitment efforts for family trainers To support efforts to research and disseminate findings regarding the effectiveness of the family-agency partner training model To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships

FACTT Goals To support agency and policy conversations about the development of family-agency training partnerships All FACTT members either participate in partnership training events or are supported by agencies that promote partnership training FACTT members participate in leadership roles in the NC State Collaborative for Children and Families FACTT members support conversations across the state about system of care, community child protection teams, state curriculum redesign and trauma informed services

Family-Agency Collaborative Training Team FACTT Family-Agency Collaborative Training Team Division of Social Services NC Foster and Adoptive Parents