Heathlands Year 4 Mersea Residential June 2018
Why go? Develop independence Develop perseverance and resilience Work as part of a team Face and overcome challenges Learn from mistakes and accept them as important in developing success
Activities A confirmed programme of activities will not be available until closer to the date of the residential, but the activities children took part in this year were:
It’s a knockout!
Coastal Discovery!
Kit Karts!
Adventure Course!
High Ropes/Leap of Faith!
Other activities could include:
Children will take part in 8 activities over the course of the three days they are on site. This also includes getting to take part in a ‘It’s a knockout challenge’. Some of the activities are likely to involve the children getting wet, muddy or both. It is important they bring enough clothes for the three days and that the clothes they bring, and trainers, are suitable for these types of activity. In the evening, children will take part in activities organised by Heathlands staff. This should also include a BBQ in the ‘Heathlands village’ on site.
Sleeping Children will be sleeping on mattresses in tents. Some of the adults attending will also be sleeping in their own tents. Tents are organised around a cabin which other adults will be sleeping in. Each tent sleeps 6-8 children. Children will have the opportunity to select two friends they would like to share with, the Year 4 teachers will then organise children into groups including at least one of the friends children selected. Children need to bring a sleeping bag (good quality), single bottom sheet, pillow, warm pyjamas. As well as the tents and cabin provided we will also have access to our own marquee. All of this makes up the ‘Heathlands village’ on site.
Safety Children will be accompanied on the residential by six members of Heathlands staff including the Year 4 teachers. At least one member of staff will have a car on site. A senior member of staff will also visit us over the course of the residential. During activities children will be supported by instructors from Outdoor Essex. All instructors have received thorough training in how to use, and support children in using, the equipment on site as well as Safeguarding training. During the night a member of staff from Outdoor Essex Mersea is always on site. During our residential trip other schools will be on their own residential trips. When completing activities children are always with the same school. Due to the nature of the activities children will be enjoying we would ask that no jewellery is worn throughout the residential, including earrings.
On site facilities While on site children will have access to a shower. All showers are cubicles. Children will have access to toilets and bathrooms where they can wash and brush their teeth. Children will need to bring with them a washbag including soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, and a towel for showering. On the first day children will need to bring a packed lunch. After that all meals are catered on site. Any allergies children have will be accommodated. Washing machines and tumble driers are on site but are only to be used in the event of an emergency. Children should bring enough clothing so that there is no need to wash clothes. They should also bring a bin bag (named) for muddy/wet clothes. There is no need for the children to bring any money with them.
Travel Children will be travelling to and from the residential by coach. Due to limitations on the number of children a luggage bearing coach can carry, a small number of children will travel by car with a member of staff. We will arrive at Outdoor Essex Mersea at approximately 12:00 and expect to arrive back at school at approximately 3:00. Children are likely to be ready for collection between 3:15 and 3:30. If this time should need to change for any reason you will be informed as soon as possible.
Kit A kit list will be provided on the back of the permission letter. Once received, if you have any questions about this please let us know. Some of the items your child will require have already been referred to. Everything they need will be detailed on the kit list but the below items/information may be worth noting: Need an old towel for wet/muddy activities. Clothes/trainers brought should be appropriate for the activities to be completed/being outdoors/the weather. Waterproof jacket, anorak, wellies (if rain is forecast – hopefully not!) Sun hat, sunscreen (hopefully!) Torch and plastic drinks bottle We will help children as much as possible but they will ned to be responsible for their own belongings. To help please label everything!
Children should NOT bring any form of electronic device Children should NOT bring any form of electronic device. This includes MP3 players, mobile phones and cameras. We will be taking LOTS of photos of all of the children throughout the three days. These photos will then be posted on the school website for you to enjoy. Children should not bring any other valuable items with them – they will not need them. Children only need to be provided with a packed lunch for the first day. They will receive all of the food they need, including snacks, while on site. They do not need crisps, biscuits, fruit, sweets, chocolate or any other snack.
When? We have not yet booked the residential for 2018. In order to book this we need for the parents of the children attending to pay the deposit amount. We will look to book the residential for mid June 2018 and, hopefully, will be able to secure a place from Wednesday – Friday.
Cost The total amount for the residential this year was £155. We would anticipate this being very similar next year and will confirm this once the venue and coach have been booked. The deposit amount we require to book the residential is £20 per child. We will be asking for this to be paid by 14th July. We will also ask for the permission slip to be returned by the same date. A letter confirming all of these details will be going home with your children tomorrow.
Any questions?