NOTES: Boxtops: Spelling List 5 Week 6 Week of: 1. left 2. end 3. get Closed syllables have a single vowel and end in at least one consonant. The vowel makes its short sound. 1. left 2. end 3. get High frequency “red” words are spelled in unexpected ways. 14. come 15. some Sept 26-30, 2016 Closed syllables have a single vowel followed by at least one consonant. The vowel is short. 4. plan 6. slid 8. spin 10. hop 12. cut A magic e syllable has a vowel followed by a consonant and an e. The e is silent. The first vowel is long and says it’s name. 5. plane 7. slide 9. spine 11. hope 13. cute Cursive Letters: L,W,X,O Picture Day Week 3 Spelling Builders Parent Orientation 6-7 Week 4 Ice Cream Spelling Builders Week 5 Spirit Stick Sale Big Kahuna Fundraiser Ice Cream Spelling Builders A fun way to practice your spelling words! End of 6wks Week 6 Ice Cream Strive Info Night Spelling Builders NOTES: Pictures: Per Administration- Parents and relatives please do not take pictures during lunch or outside at recess with your phone or other electronic devices. Boxtops: Popcorn party for the class with the most box tops in the month of October; we no longer collect soup labels . Week at a Glance ELAR Math -We will Use standard, word, and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1200. -We will use a number line to identify and compare whole numbers up to 1200 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols (>,< or =). -We will locate the position of a given whole number on an open number line. Science -We will identify moral lessons in fables. -We will continue working on verbs (past, present, and future). -Identify and read high frequency words -We will investigate matter and classify by physical properties, including shape, relative mass, relative temperature, texture, and flexibility. -We will compare changes in materials caused by heating and cooling. Reminders: Don’t forget to return picture money by Oct 5th Daily Skills Practice: READ 20 MINUTES DAILY AND LOG IN FOLDER, STUDY SPELLING WORDS AND MATH FACTS DAILY. SPELLING BUILDER ON FRIDAY.