The Anglo-Saxon Period and the Middle Ages 449-1485
Invasions! A.D.43—Rome conquers the Celtic tribes of southern Britain Early fifth century—Rome is besieged, the legions leave, and Britain is left defenseless A. D. 449—Angles, Saxons, and Jutes (Anglo-Saxons) invade from present-day Germany
More Invasions! Eighth and Ninth Centuries—Vikings invade and take over much of England A.D. 878—King Alfred (the Great) defeats the Vikings at the battle of Edington A.D. 1066—William, Duke of Normandy, invades England and defeats the Anglo-Saxons at the battle of Hastings
Feudalism 11th-13th Centuries—The Normans introduce Feudalism whereby the land was divided among noble overlords (Barons) who were protected by lesser lords (Knights). Far below in the social system were the Serfs who worked the land. A.D. 1215—Magna Carta—King John could not raise taxes without the consent of the Barons (effect on the monarchy?)
Civil War and Plague A.D. 1337—Beginning of the Hundred Years’ War between the British and the French A.D. 1348—The first plague (Black Death) cycle strikes England. Eventually a third of England’s population dies. The feudal system erodes as many move to the cities and a new urban middle class develops
A Warrior Society The Warrior (will see in Beowulf)—Courage, Loyalty, Wisdom, and Strength The Warrior Chief—leader of a close-knit group (comitatus) of warriors and their families
Anglo-Saxon Literature A heroic literature—Anglo-Saxon literature was an oral tradition celebrating heroic deeds. Scops would sing these songs in the mead halls of Anglo-Saxon rulers (mead is an alcohol made from fermented honey). Both Christian and pagan elements were present in these tales as was a strong sense of fate (wyrd) Old English—Old English develops from the Germanic languages of the Anglo-Saxons
Christianity Immense Roman Catholic cathedrals dominated the skylines of medieval cities A.D. 596—Pope Gregory sends missionaries into England. By 650 most of England was Christian in name although many pagan beliefs were still held
The Church The church was the intellectual center of Medieval life. Many schools and libraries were established within monasteries Pilgrimages—a journey to a sacred site to express religious devotion (Canterbury Tales) Religious Drama—Mystery Plays (Biblical stories) and Morality Plays (allegories meant to teach) preceded Shakespeare
The Romance Knights—professional soldiers who enjoyed great social prestige Chivalry—the knightly code: honor, generosity, bravery, protector of women and orphans Courtly Love—a relationship between a knight and a courtly lady (usually married to someone else). The Romance was a story of chivalry and courtly love involving a knight and his lady