CANDIDACY AND ORDINATION PROCESS Ministry of All Christians Grace Gifts Fruit
FITNESS/POTENTIAL, READINESS, AND EFFECTIVENESS UMCARES PLUS PRESENTATION FITNESS/POTENTIAL, READINESS, AND EFFECTIVENESS Certified Candidacy Fitness/Potential Provisional Membership & License Readiness to Serve Full Membership & Continuing License Effectiveness in Ministry
EVALUATION CRITERIA - CANDIDACY DISCERNMENT & CALLING Understanding of call Mentoring Discernment ASSESSING FITNESS Background checks Psychological assessment References Other leadership
REQUIREMENTS – CERTIFIED CANDIDACY ¶ 310 ¶ 313 INITIAL REQUREMENTS High school graduate or equivalent Membership or participation in UM ministry setting Charge conference support Assessment steps ANNUAL APPROVAL Educational requirements dCOM interview Complete list of steps – www.bomlibrary.org
GENERAL CONFERENCE DECISIONS – CANDIDACY CANDIDACY PROCESS – No Changes LAY SUPPLY – ¶ 205 – One Yr. Limitation CHURCH FINANCIAL SUPPORT FORM – ¶ 303.4, ¶ 310.2, ¶ 313.2 TRANSLATION – ¶ 310.2b)(2) and ¶ 666.4
EVALUATION CRITERIA – LICENSING INITIAL LICENSE Articulation of call to licensed ministry Ready to serve as a full or part-time local pastor ONGOING LICENSE Effectiveness in appointment setting
REQUIREMENTS – LICENSING INITIAL REQUREMENTS ¶ 315 ANNUAL APPROVAL Certified Candidate Complete Orientation to Ministry Complete Licensing School Transcript Evaluation dCOM, BOM, Clergy Session Approval Appointment ANNUAL APPROVAL Educational Requirements ¶ 315
GENERAL CONFERENCE DECISIONS – LOCAL PASTOR ¶ 323.2 Fellowship Chair member of BOM (Part-time or Full-time) ¶ 324.1 Clarify – Local Pastors are clergy members ¶ 324.6 Age requirement replaced by four-year service requirement ¶ 324.6c) 2 Expand Course of Study ¶ 324.6d) Advanced Course of Study includes BGTS
EVALUATION CRITERIA – PROVISIONAL MEMBERSHIP READINESS TO SERVE Articulation of call to the ministry of deacon or elder Doctrinal Exam dCOM has certified that candidate demonstrates the needed leadership capabilities
PROVISIONAL MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS – PROVISIONAL MEMBERSHIP ¶ 324 EDUCATION Bachelor’s Degree Minimum of ½ of the Graduate Education including ½ of the Basic Graduate Theological Studies DISCIPLINE REQUIREMENTS Certified Candidate – 1 year to 12 years Completion of written and oral doctrinal exam Disclosure Statement Interview with the BOM Vote – 3/4 approval from dCOM, BOM, and Clergy Session
GENERAL CONFERENCE DECISIONS – PROVISIONAL MEMBERSHIP ¶ 324.4 Increase Basic Graduate Theological Studies from 24 to 27 Semester Hours ¶ 324.9k Change in Doctrinal Exam Question
GENERAL CONFERENCE DECISIONS – DEACONS ¶ 328 Sacramental Responsibilities for Deacons ¶ 331 Appointments Beyond the Local Church
EVALUATION CRITERIA – FULL MEMBERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS IN MINISTRY Demonstrated growth in effectiveness in ministry Ready to assume lifetime commitment to the membership responsibilities of the annual conference
REQUIREMENTS – FULL MEMBERSHIP ¶ 330 ¶ 335 EDUCATION Completion of all educational requirements DISCIPLINE REQUIREMENTS Provisional member – 2 to 8 years Demonstrate physical, mental, emotional health Sermon and Bible study Project to demonstrate effectiveness in ministry Written or oral doctrinal exam Interview with the BOM Vote – 3/4 approval from BOM and Clergy Session
GENERAL CONFERENCE DECISIONS – FULL MEMBERSHIP ¶ 330 and ¶ 335 – Delete repetitive questions ¾ Majority Vote for Consistency Certification, ¶ 310 (dCOM) First-Time Licensing, ¶ 315.2d, ¶ 315.6b), ¶ 315.6d) (dCOM, BOM, Clergy Session) Associate Membership, ¶ 322.1 (dCOM, BOM, Clergy Session) Provisional Membership, ¶ 324 (dCOM, BOM, Clergy Session) Full Membership, ¶ 330 (Deacons) and ¶ 335 (Elders) (BOM, Clergy Session)
REQUIREMENTS – MENTORS AND MENTORING ¶ 348 WHO NEEDS A MENTOR? Applicants for certified candidacy Certified candidates before they become local pastors or provisional members Local pastors enrolled in Course of Study All provisional members SELECTING MENTORS Cabinet recommends BOM selects
RESPONSIBILITIES – MENTORS CANDIDACY MENTORING District Superintendent, Vocational Discernment Coordinator, dCOM, Conference Candidacy Registrar CLERGY MENTORING Local Pastors – dCOM, District Superintendent Provisional Members – BOM, District Superintendent WHO CAN SERVE? Ordained Deacons or Elder, Associate Members Any Local Pastors who complete Course of Study
GENERAL CONFERENCE DECISIONS – MENTORING ¶ 348.1b) Part-time Local Pastors who have completed Course of Study may be Clergy Mentors ¶ 348.3 Clergy Mentoring Groups encouraged for Local Pastors
LESS THAN FULL-TIME APPOINTMENT ¶ 338 ¶ 338.2(1) Limited Itineracy ¶ 338.2(2) Clergy Initiated ¶ 338.2(3) Bishop Initiated - with or without clergy consent Less than full-time requires Cabinet, BOM recommendation with 2/3 Clergy Session approval. Three-Fourths Clergy Session approval required after eight years.
ALL PARAGRAPHS NUMBERED ¶ 348 OR HIGHER SHIFT DOWN ONE TRANSFERS ¶ 347 ¶ 347.1 All transfers of provisional or ordained clergy from other Annual Conferences must be recommended by the BOM to the Clergy Session for approval ¶ 347.6 Recognition of Orders paragraph moved ALL PARAGRAPHS NUMBERED ¶ 348 OR HIGHER SHIFT DOWN ONE
TRANSITIONAL LEAVE ¶ 353 ¶ 353.2c)(2) Elders transitioning from local church to extension ministry ¶ 353.3 Limited to one 12-month period
BOARD OF ORDAINED MINSTRY ¶ 635 ¶ 635.1 No District Superintendent or Extended Cabinet Member shall chair the BOM. ¶ 635 (references throughout) Expands terminology that the BOM is now responsible for “ordained, licensed, certified, and assigned leadership”.
DISTRICT COMMITTEE ON ORDAINED MINISTRY ¶ 666 ¶ 666.1 The District Superintendent shall not chair the dCOM ¶ 666.4 Shall seek ways to make reasonable accommodations for cultural and ethnic/racial realities and language translations as candidates meet the requirements for candidacy, including interviews, psychological assessments, criminal background, and credit checks. Cross reference to ¶ 310.2b)(2)
NEW EIGHT-YEAR ASSESSMENT ¶ 349.3 ALL CLERGY Six-month assessment process every 8 years WHO LEADS? Cabinet, BOM, Orders and Fellowship TIMELINE January 1, 2020 GUIDELINES See NEW ¶ 349.3 DISCUSSION Thursday Morning
GENERAL CONFERENCE DECISIONS - COACHING STUDY OF MINISTRY Encourage coaching for all clergy Include coaching as a part of the Eight-Year Assessment URBAN CONGREGATIONS Pathway for transformation STRENGTHENING THE BLACK CHURCH Sustain Black congregations Support Black pastors in cross-racial and cross-cultural appointments
Coaching Resources www.umccybercampus.com