Danger’s Voice Certification Program June 24, 2016 Reference: OPORD 16-175 ATG Annex H
Unclassified // FOUO The Overall Classification for this briefing is: SAMS = Structure and Manpower Allocation System Turn all communications devices, cell phones, Blackberries and other personal electronic devices to vibrate / silence mode for the duration of this briefing.
Agenda Background Purpose Applicability Methodology Tracking Award Incentives
Background The Army's training challenge is to optimize, synchronize, and support training in schools, training in units, and self-development to produce forces ready to respond across the full spectrum of military operations. Most Signaleers arriving to 1ID from AIT do not have the essential skill set required to perform their duty MOS. Additionally, units within 1ID have equipment and task unique to their organization, therefore, require specific skills essential to mission accomplishment.
Purpose Develop and implement structured training for baseline certification and establish the tools and guidelines to make 1ID Signal Soldiers the most versatile Signal/Cyber Professionals in the Army
Applicability CMF 24, 25, 53 E1-E8, W1-CW3, O1-04
Methodology Structured to progressively enhance the skillset of the Signaleer by completing each level prior to starting the next level Each level provides additional and challenging training to Signaleers not obtained through NCOES Taught using a combination of SkillPort, MTC, BCCC, and DVSU instructed courses
Course Track Basic Intermediate Advanced Expert Achieving Expert should be the ultimate goal for every Signaleer Achieving Basic should be the minimum goal for all Commanders
DVCP Tracking DVSU tracks progression Report stats in G6/S6 MTG Submits dog tag/award to G6 G6 Submits award to G1 Brief stats through DIV MTGs G6 coordinates with Soldiers unit and presents Awards CO tracks progression Sends updates to BN Brief stats through BN MTGs Battalions track progression Report stats in training meeting Sends stats to BCT Brief stats through BCT MTGs BCT tracks progression Report stats in BCT meetings Sends stats to DVSU BCTs Liaison: 1/1: SFC Bellis 2/1: SGT Powell 1SB: SFC Davis CAB: SSG Neuberger DHHB: SFC Sylvester *DVSU maintains records for all Signal Soldiers in the program
DVCP Award Description Basic level of training for Signaleers and are skills expected of all Signaleers to know and master. Intermediate level of training for Signaleers aimed to enhance the Soldier’s current skillset and create a more robust Signaleer. Advanced level of training for Signaleers intended to increase the Soldier’s competency and provide their unit a more technically advanced Signaleer Expert level of training for Signaleers designed to create a versatile Signal/Cyber Professional that can install, operate, and maintain their unit’s network continuously and securely DVCP will recognize personnel as they achieve each level. Personnel are awarded a colored dog tag with logo to denote DVCP status at each level. **The goal for every Signaleer is to attain Expert (Gold)**
BCT Roll Up BCT Liaisons: 1/1: SFC Bellis 2/1: SFC Gaines Unit Green Bronze Silver Gold DHHB 10 1/1 1 2/1 3 1SB CAB DIVARTY BCT Liaisons: 1/1: SFC Bellis 2/1: SFC Gaines 1SB: SFC Davis CAB: SSG Neuberger DHHB: SFC Sylvester DIVARTY:
YTD Soldiers Trained 2014 MOA YTD Totals Total Classes (MOA) 51 Total Students (MOA) 560 Weeks of Training (40 hrs) 53.00 Total Classes (Non-MOA) 28 Total Students (Non-MOA) 286 Weeks of Training (Non-MOA)(40 hrs) 23.00 Total Classes Conducted at Facility 79 Total Students 846 76.00 *FY runs from 1 DEC – 30 NOV
YTD Soldiers Trained *FY runs from 1 DEC – 30 NOV
DVCP Award DVCP will recognize personnel as they achieve each level Personnel are awarded a colored dog tag with logo to denote DVCP status at each level
DVCP Incentives Peer Pressure: Due to the competitive nature of the US Army and Signaleers, all Signaleers will strive to perform to the best of their abilities to match or exceed their peers. Promotion Points: All DVSU courses are in ATRRS enabling Soldiers to earn promotion points, if applicable. College Credit: Most courses, if successfully completed, will earn Soldiers’ college credit. Awards: Soldiers who achieve Bronze, Silver, or Gold levels of DVCP training will be considered for the AAM or ARCOM. Gold Standard: Expert Level courses are not necessary for unit success, but beneficial to the unit to have Soldiers trained at this level and will further enhance the career development of the Signaleer.
College Credit DVSU Instructed Courses Barton College Course Equivalent Course Number Credit Hours Awarded IT Networking & Cisco Routing Introduction to Networking NTWK 1032 3 Network+ (Week 1) Networking I NTWK 1034 Network+ (Week 2) Network+ NTWK 1035 Windows 7 Configuration Local Area Network Administration NTWK 1046 A+ (Week 1) Microcomputer Repair & Upgrade NTWK 1052 A+ (Week 2) Adv. Microcomputer Repair & Upgrade NTWK 1053 Security+ (Week 1) Network Security I NTWK 1070 Security+ (Week 2) Network Security II NTWK 1071 The above listed DVSU Instructed courses may be evaluated for transfer and conversion to college credit through the Barton/Signal Course Evaluation Program.
Barton County Community College Over 40 hours of college credit through DVSU five courses directly taught by BCCC Spreadsheet Applications Customer Service Help Desk Fundamentals Computer Concepts and Applications Database Management Systems
Green Basic Requirements Location CompTIA A+ (220-901/220-902) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>CompTIA A+ CompTIA Network+ (N10-006) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU> CompTIA Network+ Security Principles (Net Safety) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>Security Principles Signal Branch CRM ALMS – Signal Branch CRM Windows 10: Transition from Windows 7 Danger’s Voice Signal University Introduction to Tactical Radios COMSEC/HRH/SKL JCR Military Schools Structured Self-Development 1 Unit APFT (60 or above per event/GO) Weapons Qualification 158
Bronze Intermediate Requirements Location CompTIA A+ Certification Danger’s Voice Signal University or Certification CompTIA Network+ Certification Computer Concepts and Applications Danger’s Voice Signal University or BCCC Spreadsheet Applications Database Management Systems CompTIA Security+ (SY0-401) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>CompTIA Security+ SharePoint Foundations Levels 1 & 2 Danger’s Voice Signal University Structured Self-Development 1, 2* Unit APFT (70 or above per event/GO) Weapons Qualification (SS or EX) 309 *as applicable
Silver Advanced Requirements Location CompTIA Security+ Certification Danger’s Voice Signal University or Certification IT Networking and Cisco Routing Danger’s Voice Signal University Help Desk Fundamentals Danger’s Voice Signal University or BCCC Customer Service Cisco CCENT (ICND1 2.0) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>ICND 2.0 Part 1 Cisco CCNA ICND2 2.0) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>ICND 2.0 Part 2 Microsoft Specialist Windows 10 SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>MS Specialist Windows 10 Structured Self-Development 1, 2, 3* Unit APFT (75 or above per event/GO) Weapons Qualification (SS or EX) 307 *as applicable
Gold Expert Requirements Location Cisco ICND1 2.0 Danger’s Voice Signal University or Certification Cisco ICND2 2.0 Microsoft Specialist Windows 10 CEH v8 or v9 SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>CEH or Certification CEH Certification CISSP SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>ISC2 or Certification CISSP Certification Structured Self-Development 1, 2, 3, 4* Unit APFT (80 or above per event/GO) Weapons Qualification (SS or EX) 456.5 *as applicable
Green (alt) Basic Requirements Location CompTIA A+ (220-901/220-902) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>CompTIA A+ CompTIA Network+ (N10-006) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU> CompTIA Network+ Security Principles (Net Safety) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>Security Principles Windows 10: Transition from Windows 7 SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>First Look and End User Signal Branch CRM ALMS – Signal Branch CRM Introduction to Tactical Radios Unit COMSEC/HRH/SKL JCR Structured Self-Development 1 APFT (60 or above per event/GO) Weapons Qualification 158
Bronze (alt) Intermediate Requirements Location CompTIA A+ Certification Danger’s Voice Signal University or Certification CompTIA Network+ Certification Computer Concepts and Applications SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>MOS 2013 Spreadsheet Applications Database Management Systems CompTIA Security+ (SY0-401) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>CompTIA Security+ SharePoint Foundations Levels 1 & 2 SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>SharePoint 2016 Structured Self-Development 1, 2* Unit APFT (70 or above per event/GO) Weapons Qualification (SS or EX) 309 *as applicable
Silver (alt) Advanced Requirements Location CompTIA Security+ Certification Danger’s Voice Signal University or Certification IT Networking and Cisco Routing Danger’s Voice Signal University Help Desk Fundamentals SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>ITIL or Certification Customer Service SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>Customer Service Cisco CCENT (ICND1 2.0) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>ICND 2.0 Part 1 Cisco CCNA ICND2 2.0) SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>ICND 2.0 Part 2 Microsoft Specialist Windows 10 SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>MS Specialist Windows 10 Structured Self-Development 1, 2, 3* Unit APFT (75 or above per event/GO) Weapons Qualification (SS or EX) 307 *as applicable
Gold (alt) Expert Requirements Location Cisco ICND1 2.0 Danger’s Voice Signal University or Certification Cisco ICND2 2.0 Microsoft Specialist Windows 10 CEH v8 or v9 SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>CEH or Certification CEH Certification CISSP SkillPort – 1ID DVSU>ISC2 or Certification CISSP Certification Structured Self-Development 1, 2, 3, 4* Unit APFT (80 or above per event/GO) Weapons Qualification (SS or EX) 456.5 *as applicable