James Monroe’s life Jasmine Ella 5-2
Early days James Monroe was born April 28, 1758 in West Moreland County Virginia, living with his mother, father, three younger brother, and one sister.
Teenage Years At the age of sixteen, James Monroe entered college at the age of sixteen in 1774. James Monroe was so smart, he graduated the year 1776, just two years after getting in to the college!
Becoming president James Monroe became the 5th president of the United States in 1817, March 4 being a Democratic Republican.
OLDER DAYS James Monroe met a lovely lady named Elizabeth and got married to her in February in 1786 James had three children Eliza born in 1786,James born in 1799, and Maria born in 1803.
Death James Monroe wasn’t feeling well in 1831. James died on July 4, 1831 in New York City because of Tuberculosis. He was buried at the Hollywood Cemetery in 1831. His dates in office were March, 1817 through March 4, 1825.