Imagine that you are standing inside this room Imagine that you are standing inside this room. What do you see/hear/smell/taste/feel? What thoughts are going through your head?
Where are you? What could this room be? Why do you think this? (think, pair, share)
Les Catacombes de Paris Un ossuaire sous-terrain
L’histoire Paris was originally an Ancient Roman City called Lutecia (52 BC) on the “Left Bank” of the Seine River. After invasions and the fall of the Empire, the inhabitants of Lutecia abandoned their settlement and moved across the Seine to the “Right Bank.” This new settlement was the home to the center of the true Paris that we know today.
L’histoire The new Paris revolved around its own central Parish and Church, called “Les Innocents.” “Les Innocents” was built on top of a 5th century church and cemetery. In addition to a new church, “Les Innocents” was also the site of the city’s new principal burial ground. However, as the city began to grow, all of the levels the “Les Innocents” cemetery began to fill up. At the same time, the plot next to the cemetery was home to the thriving Les Halles marketplace.
Les Halles
L’histoire By the end of the 18th Century, the “Les Innocents” cemetary was not only overflowing, it was impinging on the central marketplace! The cemetery was described as being filled with the remnants of famine, wars, and disease, as well as refuse from the hospitals and morgues.
In the second half of the 18th Century, a series of houses and buildings began to cave into the ground back on the “Left Bank.” Louis XVI, the current King, ordered an exploration of the area under the collapsed ground in order to discover its cause. His workers discovered miles and miles of tunnels and mines (for Lutecian rock) that had been used and then abandoned in the 12th Century.
Full area of mine explorations
La creation In 1780, a basement wall at Les Innocents Church collapsed under the weight of the bodies and earth against it. City officials immediately began looking for a solution to their problem. Eventually, the bones were unearthed and thrown into the tunnels below the city.
Le tourisme In 1810, Louis-Etienne Hericart de Thury, who was previously head of the mine inspection, decided to turn the tunnels into a true “mausoleum” that people could visit. He wanted to design a place that showed respect and veneration for the dead. He created rooms dedicated to various bones, made artistic sculptures, and even included a chamber of “skeletal deformaties!”
Les visites At first, only wealthy members of high society could visit the mausoleum, and only when accompanied by a Mine Inspector. In 1833, the catacombs were closed because of church opposition to displaying “sacred” bones. Public demand for visits forced a re- opening, but only with visits every other Saturday. The catacombs were re-opened completely for the 1900 Paris Worlds Fair.
Horaires Ouvert du mardi au dimanche de 10h00 à 20h00. Dernière entrée à 19h00. Fermé les lundis et le 1er mai. Catacombes et exposition 10 €
Des opportunites uniques Parts of the 170 miles-long tunnel system are filled with graffiti from famous Parisian underground artists. Other parts, only accessible by secret entrances (usually entering via a sewer or manhole) host secret dance parties and raves. In 2004, police in the catacombs discovered a fully-operational movie theatre, bar, and restaurant, complete with electricity, CCTV, and phone lines. When they returned after three days, the entire scene was abandoned, and power lines were cut. A note was left in the middle of the floor, reading “Do it. Try to find us.” No one has been able to trace the owners.
Would it be a good or bad idea to start them here? Why or why not? Could New York have any catacombs? Would it be a good or bad idea to start them here? Why or why not? Who would be placed there?