sweat a salty moisture produced by the body through the skin when it is overheated The runner's sweat soaked through his shirt.
rhythm a regular beat, esp. in music or movement A symphony conductor keeps the rhythm for the orchestra.
cycle an event or activity that changes from time to time from one characteristic to another and then back to the first one We have weather cycles of good rainfall, then dry weather, then rain again.
rely to depend on, count on I rely on the train to take me to and from work each day.
pleasant enjoyable, pleasing This is a pleasant, sunny day.
routine a series of things, does regularly He has a different routine on Saturday and Sunday than he does on weekdays.
meant to have in mind as one's purpose or intention; intend I meant to compliment you on your work.
sponge such an animal after it has died, or a similar-looking piece of cellulose, used to take up liquid or for cleaning Get a sponge, I spilled some juice.
cleanse to remove dirt from The nurse cleansed a bloody cut in the patient's hand.
shove a hard push, usu. with the hands The angry man gave the other a shove.
reply to answer He replied to my letter that I sent last month.
apply to request or seek admission or assistance I applied for a visa to travel abroad.
threat a warning of harm They had to leave the building because of a bomb threat.
myth a story from ancient cultures about history, gods, or heroes Students learn about the myths of ancient Greece and Rome.
deny to say something is not true The defendant denied the accusations made against her in court.
leather the skin of cattle, sheep, etc. His shoes are made of leather.
rhyme words that sound alike Rhyme" and "time" form a rhyme.
thread a twisted fiber, such as cotton, wool, etc A seamstress sewed a hole with a needle and thread.
meadow a pasture, land with grass and few trees Cows eat grass in the meadows near the farm.
ravine a low area in the earth with steep sides, a deep gully, (syn.) a gorge A fast river has cut out a ravine in the rock.
nylon a strong, artificial fiber used in making cloth, thread, and stockings Women wear stockings made of nylon.
realm a general field, such as an area of knowledge In the realm of physics, Albert Einstein was a genius.
trampoline an apparatus made of a sheet of springy material on a metal frame that gymnasts jump on The trampoline was exciting and dangerous at the same time.
endeavor to try, attempt He endeavors to do his best work all the time.
oxygen a colorless, odorless gas (chemical symbol O) present in air, which is necessary for all forms of life People must breathe oxygen in order to live.