The wonders of alpaca fibre and it’s management.
Why Alpaca Fibre? Carried on a highly efficient, highly desirable animal.
Above sheep Alpaca fibre has a much lower “prickle factor” than wool and is more comfortable to wear for a given micron. Alpaca fleece is lighter, softer, warmer and stronger than wool. Environmental impact much less. Fly-strike uncommon Internal parasite burdens are less likely.
Variety of colours.
Important criteria: Softness/handle Density Length Crimp Lustre Low micron primary fibres.
Faults Open fleece with no density Chalkiness Harsh handle Short staple length Medullated fibre Lack of overall coverage Tenderness
Preparation of Fibre. Shear before seed set in your area. Shear young cria in first season. Good body condition- constant over year.
Clean shearing area. Physically remove veg matter. Limit second cuts.
Final product. What can we do with alpaca fibre? Home spinners/ craft. Exquisite suiting. Woollen knitted garments. Woven garments. Upholstery. Carpeting. Where can we process it? Where can we sell it?
AAFL Grower Raw Fleece Prices, effective 1st October 2005: HUACAYA All prices are A$ per kilo including GST HUACAYA WHITE/LIGHT FAWN ALL OTHER COLOURS GRADE Length/Description $ per kg $ per kg H1. < 20 micron A/B (80-120mm) $25.00 $20.00 C (60-80mm) (No C length permitted in grade H1) H2. 20-23 micron A/B (80-150mm) $10.00 $8.00 C (60-80mm) $4.00 $3.00 H3. 23-26 micron A/B (80-150mm) $5.00 $4.00 C (60-80mm) $2.00 $1.50 H4. 26-30 micron A/B (80-150mm) $4.00 $3.50 C (60-80mm) $1.80 $1.20 H5. 30-34 micronA/B (80-150mm) $1.80 $1.20 C (60-80mm) $1.00 $0.60 H6. <30 micron D (50-60mm) $0.50 $0.50 H7 Pieces/Overgrown/VM $0.50 $0.50 H8 Low Commercial Value $0.50 $0.50 H9 No Current Commercial Value - -
HUACAYA GRADE DEFINITIONS: H1 < 20 micron and best style & character with soft handle. Min guard hair. Not tender. Must be regular for length & micron. Under 1% Veg Matter(VM). H2 20-23 micron and good to best style & character with soft handle. Min guard hair. Not tender. Must be regular for length & micron. Under 1% VM. H3 23-26 micron and good style & character. No excessive guard hair. Not tender. Must be regular for length & micron. Under 1% VM. H4 26-30 micron and good to average style & character. Some guard hair. Not tender. Must be regular for length & micron. Under 1% VM. H5 30-34 micron and good to average style & character. Some guard hair. Not tender. Under 1% VM. H6 D length (50-60mm). <30 micron. Under 1% VM. H7 Pieces 70-120mm. <30 micron. No excessive guard hair. Under 1% VM. Overgrown 150-250mm. <30 micron. Some guard hair. Up to 3% VM. VM 80-150mm. <30 micron. Some guard hair. Up to 5%VM. H8 Low commercial value. 70-120mm. Faulty pieces. <30 micron. No excessive guard hair. Up to 5% VM. H9 No commercial value. 60-120mm. Heavy guard hair. Not extremely coarse or all guard hair. Grower Raw Fleece Prices, effective 1st October 2005: SURI All prices are A$ per kilo including GST
Important criteria: Softness/handle Density Length Crimp Lustre Low micron primary fibres.
What improvements can be made ? 13 years. Average herd micron ▼ from 31 micron to 21 micron. Average fleece weight (skirted saddle)▲ from 900 grams to 2.7 kgs. 1200 kgs left farm 2004.