IT Monitoring in the Workplace Presented by Missy Day and Jenna Siegrist
Fun Facts 78% of companies monitor employees 30% of employee time* Based on a Nashville technology company Which accounts for the potential of… Delaware & Connecticut only states where employer legally has to notify you Government policies are more strict against employee monitoring Can even monitor WHAT you post on social media
The Beginning of Technology Monitoring City of Ontario vs. Quon Quon exceeded allotted character use each month Employer looked into the conversations As few as 8% work related Quon was disciplined He sued and won In 2010 it was appealed and the city won
Why is this legal? Protecting proprietary company information Any company property and what you do on it can be monitored Protecting proprietary company information Example: HP in 2006
Some Types of Monitoring Email (personal and work) Instant Messaging Websites visited Keystrokes Productivity Key Cards
Benefits of Monitoring Increase productivity Control data/information leakage Assist internal investigations Monitor quality of work/customer service
Does your workplace monitor you?
Short Video
Emailing What is legal? Case example Personal experiences with this?
Instant Messaging Personal or inappropriate conversations Keystrokes
Website Monitoring What is being monitored? Social media monitoring and screening Use of social media for job selection process Inappropriate sites Job search engines
Keystroke Logging 45% of companies Secretly records all of the keys struck on a keyboard This software can be on company cell phones too Beware of hackers on personal computers Employers can’t use: Login information to personal email, finances, etc.
Keystroke Logging How do I know if I am being monitored? Advanced anti-spyware programs Task Manager Ask manager or HR
Productivity Keystroke logging Screen Shots Time spent in each program Odesk example Time spent in each program Mainly used for contractors to ensure they aren’t billing for personal time spent National Transportation Safety Board suggested monitoring pilots black boxes
Key Cards Key Cards scanned to get into buildings can be tracked when you leave/enter Discretely monitors hours worked My company example KDDI created motion-sensing technology in 2010 to monitor employees Cleaning staff
GPS Not all companies have legal right to do this (For cars) Need legitimate business reason Deliverymen, servicemen, truck drivers, etc. Company cell phone GPS monitoring Completely allowed Same kind of software as the Keylogger Can notify managers when.. you are moving leave a certain radius
Future of IT Monitoring The government Texas has become first state to require a warrant for workplace email surveillance Increased usage, also increased laws
Sources 04/7-ways-your-e-mail-can-get-you-fired?page=2 social-media-monitoring-workplace-–-know-your-rights- employer health-data-to-herself/article/306366/ to-tell-if-your-boss-is-spying-on-you/