2016 NC DPI EL Coordinator Meeting September 12 -13, 2016
Welcome Website to see today’s PowerPoint: Eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/2016+EL+Coordinator +Meeting Join us on Today’s Meet: https://todaysmeet.com/2016_EL_Coordinator_Me eting
3 mins Christie introduces the team and recognizes Ivanna Mann Thrower Anderson (who serves Districts 4,5, and all Charters) Lindsey Fults Marina (who serves Districts 1,2, and 3) Marshall Foster (who serves Districts 6,7, and 8) Linda Crouch (our wonderful Program Assistant, who collaborated on all aspects of this conference And Allison Eargle, with NCDPI Graphics, who designed our visual and the program for this conference
Welcome Dr. Tiffany Perkins Dr. Maria Petri-Martin Director, K-12 Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Maria Petri-Martin Chief Academic and Digital Learning Officer Christie introduces Tiffany and Marie-Petri Martin
NC English Learner Advisory Council EL Coordinators, Teachers, Parent Reps., IHE members from across North Carolina working together on issues critical to English Learners Recognize the council members
Promising Practices: LEA Sharing iPads for SIFE students at CMS William King, ESL Instructional Technology Specialist, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools
Federal Program Monitoring Updates Dr. Donna Brown, Director, Federal Program Monitoring and Support Division
Federal Fiscal Monitoring: Fostering Continuous Improvement Leigh Ann Kerr, Assistant Director, Division School of Business
Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
NC Global Education Helga Fasciano, Special Assistant for Global Education, K- 12 Curriculum and Instruction Division
Chart of Accounts We are revising our current budget codes for the 17-18 School Year. If a specific budget code is needed, please email your assigned consultant with the request. Revisions will not be accepted after March 2017.
Chart of Accounts NCDPI Business and Finance Website http://www.ncpublicschools.org/fbs/finance/reporting/coa2015 5270.104.141: Salary/ Interpreter/ Braillist/ Translator→ Parent Liaison
Consolidated Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) English Learner Component Alignment of the Budgets: CCIP and BAAS 2% Indirect Cost
English Learner Component
Alignment of Budgets There needs to be alignment between the budget in CCIP, the budget chart uploaded, and the financial BAAS system.
Title III Budget and Staff Charts
2% Cap Indirect Costs If there are funds indicated for indirect cost in BAAS, then this must be indicated in the CCIP under question #4 in Grant Details Indirect costs will be used to supplement the costs required to house and process the Title III funds North Carolina had a federal audit finding regarding indirect cost
PRC 104 and 111 Grant Details Monitoring PRC 104 English Language Acquisition 1. English Learner (EL) Plan 3116 (b)(5) 2. Supplement, Not Supplant 3115 (g) 3. Research-based Professional Development (PD) 3115 (c)(2) 4. Administrative Expenses 3115 (b) 5. English Learner Programs 3116 (b)(1) 6. Standards 3116 (d)(4) 7. Parental Involvement 3116 (b)(4) PRC 111 Significant Increase in Immigrant Youth Allowable Purposes for Title III funds to serve immigrant children and youth. 3115 (e) (1) Allowable Title III funded activities for services to immigrant children and youth. 3115 (e) (1). Immigrant Program Monitoring
Accountability & Accommodations Brian Swiger, Operations Consultant, Division of Accountability Services Amanda Danks, Exceptional Children Education Consultant, Division of Accountability Services
Title III Monitoring Documentation Split Funded Positions To Supplement or to Supplant? That is the question
Supplement or Supplant? The First Test of Supplanting: Required by Law The Department assumes supplanting exists if an LEA uses Title III funds to provide services that the LEA is required to make available under state or local laws, or other federal law. Dear Colleague Letter
Supplement, Not Supplant Requirement – General The Second Test of Supplanting: Prior Year The Department assumes supplanting exists if – An LEA uses Title III funds to provide services that the LEA provided in the prior year with State, local or other federal funds. USDE, Student Achievement and School Accountability (SASA)
Monitoring: Risk Analysis Risk factors include but are not limited to: size of subgrantee grant award, percentage of English Learners, program performance based on meeting frozen AMAOs 1 and 2, http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/accountability/reporting/amao/amao1516.pdf student subgroup academic performance based on frozen AMOs for English Learners, change in program or leadership, and the length of time since previous onsite monitoring.
Federal Policy and Guidance Resources Awaiting new federal guidance
PowerSchool 1st full year in PowerSchool Challenges and Successes THANK YOU to our folks in the field EL Alert Coming Soon PowerSchool/ Data Wikipage: http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/PowerSchool+and+ELs
Navigate EL in PowerSchool LEP W-APT Immigrant LEP-PD Survey ACCESS Scores Rosters and Reports
Home Language Survey Guidance for Identifying Students as English Learners W-APT record is created at the local level Manually or with a bulk upload LEP record automatically generated Immigrant record automatically generated
Submitting Remedy Tickets Remedy site: https://nc-myit.us.onbmc.com When is a Remedy ticket submitted vs. a Record Change Request (RCR)? Is there a pattern or trend in the errors? Is it a functionality error in PowerSchool? Is it something that can be fixed at the local level? Do I need an individual student record edited for Home Language, LEP record, W-APT record or Immigrant Record?
Remedy Ticket Keywords LEA/Charter number EL – English Learner LEP – Limited English Proficiency EL/LEP LEP Status W-APT or WAPT ACCESS HL - Home Language HLS - Home Language Survey Immigrant
Record Change Request A form for an individual student record change for Home Language, LEP record, W-APT record or Immigrant Record http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/PowerSchool +and+ELs
New RCR - Home Language
New RCR - Naming Convention Save as RCR_LEA#_record# RCR_123_1_1617 Password Protect with “LEP” and LEA# LEP123 Email to vkriegsman@dpi.nc.gov Subject line: RCR for LEA Name RCR for Wake
Business Hours 4:00 – 4:15 ESL/ Title III Consultants will be available to answer questions and provide technical assistance