Animal Farm Literary Analysis Research Paper MLA MINI LESSON Animal Farm Literary Analysis Research Paper
What is plagiarism? How do I avoid committing plagiarism? Taking credit for someone else’s work/idea. Give credit where credit is due. Even paraphrasing someone’s work or ideas is considered plagiarism. How do I avoid committing plagiarism? Cite your sources. Keep a list of source information as you complete your research. Citations are needed in your paper and at the end of your paper.
WHAT BELONGS IN A CITATION? Electronic Sources Author/Editor name (if available) Aritcle name in “quotes.” Title of website/project/book in italics. Available version numbers (updates, revisions, etc.) Publisher name and date. Date you accessed the material. Frabizzio, Anthony. “How to Format a Citation for an Electronic Source.” Mr. Frabizzio’s MLA Website. Version 1.0. Manhattan College, 12 Feb. 2010. Web. 15 Feb. 2010.
WHAT BELONGS IN A CITATION? Books Author/Editor name Title of Work in italics Place of publication Publisher Year of publication. Medium of publication. Orwell, George. Animal Farm and related reading. Evanston, il.: McDougal Litell, 1997. Print.
Basic Formatting Your works cited page should appear on its own dedicated page at the end of your paper or article. Works are to be listed in alphabetical order based upon author’s last name. If no author is available, then the work is to be alphabetized by the name of the work. The works cited page should be double spaced with no spaces skipped between entries. If the entry exceeds a single line, all subsequent lines are to be indented 5 spaces.
What Should the Works Cited Page Look Like?
Where can I go for additional assistance? Library Website Word Document Templates
Works Cited assistance/plagiarism.gif/image. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. arism.gif.