Rites of Passage
Tuesday March 7, 2017 Today we will: Quick Write Right of Passage Research
Quick Write Describe, in a narrative, an experience or event in which you participated that made you feel more mature and / or wise.
A rite of passage is a ceremony and marks the transition from one phase of life to another. Although it is often used to describe the tumultuous transition from adolescence to adulthood, it does refer to any of life's transitions (Births and Beginnings, Initiations, Partnerings, and Endings or Death). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B3Abpv0ysM
Rites of Passage In-Class Poster Choose two rites of passage from two different cultures. Create a poster that shows how the rites of passage are similar and different. What does each ritual represent for that culture? Why are these rites of passage important to the people? Your poster should include: Description (or illustration) of each rite of passage. Where it comes from? What are the ceremonies or rituals involved? What is the purpose of each rite of passage? What does the rite of passage represent? Comparison and a contrast of the rites of passage. How are they similar? What elements are common? How are they different? Does one appear to have more significance than to the other? Statement or illustration about the importance of rites of passage to a community or the human population as a whole. How would the community benefit from having a rite of passage? How does this bring people together?
Finish Researching Right of Passage Ceremony and create poster Wednesday March 8, 2017 Today we will: Finish Researching Right of Passage Ceremony and create poster Present Poster
Rites of Passage In-Class Poster Choose two rites of passage from two different cultures. Create a poster that shows how the rites of passage are similar and different. What does each ritual represent for that culture? Why are these rites of passage important to the people? Your poster should include: Description (or illustration) of each rite of passage. Where it comes from? What are the ceremonies or rituals involved? What is the purpose of each rite of passage? What does the rite of passage represent? Comparison and a contrast of the rites of passage. How are they similar? What elements are common? How are they different? Does one appear to have more significance than to the other? Statement or illustration about the importance of rites of passage to a community or the human population as a whole. How would the community benefit from having a rite of passage? How does this bring people together?