Roles & Responsibilities of Curriculum Committees Kevin Parker Karen Johnson Jane Patton
The foundation of curriculum in law & regs Any questions?
Resources The binder The Academic Senate website: http://www. Site for Curriculum developers: The ASCCC curriculum committee (Mark Lieu is next chair)
Committee Orientation or Retreat Who When Why How Content Goals Operating procedures Meeting schedule, deadlines
Committee responsibilities Expectations of members Role of students on curriculum committee
Committee’s standards What works well? What doesn’t work well? How can operations be improved?
Committee decision-making Keeping the wolves at bay :-) Who decides: Faculty? Staff? Administrators? With whom rest the final decisions?
Curriculum committee + academic senate Roles of each: How autonomous is the curriculum committee? Working together: building rapport between the bodies Tips/ideas
Challenges (a.k.a. opportunities)
Discussion What tips do you have for effective committees?