Welcome to the Grade 1 Parent Information Evening
The Grade 1 Team Heather El Tawil Anna Parente Tara Morris Wagner Kirsty MacKenzie Cathy Sutton Claire Greenland (from left to right) EAL: Kristyn Wolf Learning Support: Sarah Taylor
Grade 1 Tips Please label everything that your child brings to school! Teaching commences at 8:45 Indoor PE shoes are used as Indoor Classroom Shoes Healthy snack and lunch/Water Bottle Communication about curriculum and important events will be on the blog Communication to individual parents will be via email Your child should come to school each day appropriately dressed for the weather. We will not be keeping rain/snow clothing in the class.
Simplifying clothing in school Wear P.E. uniform to school for all P.E. lessons Indoor P.E. shoes should be the children’s indoor shoes For cooler weather the children should wear their tracksuit with shorts and T-shirt underneath
Home Learning at ZIS Learning Logs: Encourages creativity and fosters a love of learning Inquiry-based Focus can be Mathematics, Language, Unit of Inquiry or Reading Reinforces and develops knowledge, skills, understanding Provides for different students to present their learning in different ways ( poster, song, model, pictures, play, presentation, games, puzzles, activities) Promotes a link between classroom learning and real life situations
Home Learning at ZIS Learning challenges are set Monday, returned to school a week on Wednesday and shared in class from Wednesday onwards. The first Learning Log Challenge will be sent home on Monday September 10th. Learning Log Workshops will be offered on Thursday September 6th at 9.15am and 2.15pm in C202. Reading Workshops will be offered. Dates to be announced.
Grade 1 Units of Inquiry Who We Are - Our learning environments affect the way we learn Sharing The Planet - Plants play an important role in supporting life Where we are in Place and Time - The things people do and use change over time How We Organize Ourselves- Systems have been developed to help us move around and locate ourselves efficiently How We Express Ourselves -Stories provide us with a fantasy world which stimulates our imagination How The World Works - All living things go through a cycle of change
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Information The EAL Teachers: Caroline Francois, Kristyn Wolf, Patricia Bently, Rob Caramella Please have a look at the EAL Blog which can be accessed from Grade level blogs or at http://blogs.zis.ch/lseal/ The Importance of the Mother Tongue Language(s) For more information please attend: Parent Information Session: Language Learning and the EAL classes Date? Friday, 31 August 2012 Time? 14:15 Where? The Learning Lounge