Communicating Evidence2Success phase two evidence2successTM This PowerPoint file is for the outreach workgroup and other community members involved in their local Evidence2Success effort who would like some guidance in communicating about Evidence2Success. It covers: Messaging and branding goals Boilerplate language Style notes Communications roles and responsibilities Message building Whenever possible, please work with your coordinator and communications professionals from your lead agency or other agencies involved in the Evidence2Success effort. This file is intended to supplement—not to replace—guidelines from the relevant local agencies. Evidence-Based Practice Group Presentation to the Community Board
Evidence2Success Messaging and Branding Goals Communicating Evidence2Success Evidence2Success Messaging and Branding Goals Create awareness, buy-in and political will Reflect local priorities and community involvement while connecting to a national initiative Encourage system and community participation in leadership and boost recruitment for programs
Boilerplate Language for Documents and Websites Communicating Evidence2Success Boilerplate Language for Documents and Websites About Evidence2Success Evidence2Success™ promotes healthy child development by helping communities and public systems work together to use data to understand how children are doing; select proven programs to enhance strengths and address needs; and develop financing and action plans to support the ongoing use of those proven programs. The framework was developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a private charitable organization dedicated to building a brighter future for children and families, and several partner organizations. Boilerplate language is useful for giving the reader a deeper understanding of the Evidence2Success brand. Through the name and the boilerplate language, your site connects its work to the work of other Evidence2Success sites and the work of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This adds to the credibility of your local initiative. The boilerplate language above should be used at the end of longer documents, including reports, and on websites devoted to Evidence2Success. In the slide text above, “Evidence2Success™” will be updated when the trademark application is fully approved.
Communicating Evidence2Success Important Style Notes Please always spell out “Evidence2Success” and do not use “E2S.” Acronyms might seem convenient, but because audiences new to your initiative will not understand what this means, it undercuts your message. Evidence2Success is a mark of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. On first reference in body text, a TM symbol should be used with it as follows: Evidence2Success™. (NOTE: This section to be updated when full trademark application approved.) It’s best to avoid acronyms altogether in order to keep your message as clear as possible. In particular, always write out Evidence2Success. Do not use the acronym “E2S,” even with an internal audience.
Communicating Evidence2Success Communications Roles and Responsibilities: The Annie E. Casey Foundation and Consultants Provide general definition of Evidence2Success framework Provide overall messaging for Evidence2Success work Use Evidence2Success templates and branding for presenting curricula and tools to local Evidence2Success leaders Provide customizable templates and tools to be adapted locally for communications during key milestones
Communicating Evidence2Success Communications Roles and Responsibilities: Local Convening Organization, Site Coordinator, Finance Lead Use Evidence2Success boilerplate language to describe the framework in documents, websites and talking points Identify local target audiences and stakeholders, using Stakeholder Analysis Guide Develop local data points and talking points from priority setting and program selection sessions to plug into Evidence2Success messaging framework Communicate developments proactively with key stakeholders Connect the Evidence2Success framework to ongoing local initiatives and institutions that will promote sustainability and local ownership
Communicating Evidence2Success Communications Roles and Responsibilities: Community Board Members, Outreach Workgroup and Key Partners Use Evidence2Success boilerplate language to describe the framework in documents, websites and talking points Designate community board spokesperson to work with local site coordinator on outreach Use Stakeholder Analysis Guide to develop customized talking points that help potential board members and participants see the specific benefits of their involvement Connect the Evidence2Success framework to ongoing local initiatives and institutions that will promote sustainability and local ownership The Stakeholder Analysis Guide is available on the Evidence2Success website.
Communicating Evidence2Success Building a Message What can be done to solve the problem? What can the person or audience you’re speaking to do right now and in the future? What’s the problem, what caused the problem and what’s the evidence of the problem? What do we value in common? Why are we talking about this? Value Problem Solution Action The slide shows how to craft the substance of a message. Also consider the words you use to convey the message. Use words the people you’re talking with will understand. People who are just learning about Evidence2Success for the first time may not be familiar with terms like outcomes or risk or protective factors—or may understand those terms differently. While everyone in your local Evidence2Success effort needs to speak the same language (so to speak) in order to move forward, the important thing in outreach is to meet people where they are.
Communicating Evidence2Success Evidence2Success General Message: Programs That Work Help Children Succeed Children and youth in our community deserve to grow up healthy and develop well. Evidence2Success promotes healthy child development by helping communities and public systems work together to use data to understand how children are doing; select proven programs to enhance strengths and address needs; and develop financing and action plans to support the ongoing use of those proven programs. We’d like you to participate in Evidence2Success. Here’s how we think you can contribute, and why we think you will benefit. Value Problem Solution Action Our own young people are telling us about things they’d like to improve in our community. [Insert local data points here that illustrate what you want to make better. ] Notice the introductory sentence in the upper right-hand corner of the slide. This is an effective way of framing the problems to be addressed When you are speaking with people who may not be familiar with the Youth Experience Survey or terms such as outcomes, risk factors or protective factors.
Developing Action “Asks” for Different Audiences Communicating Evidence2Success Developing Action “Asks” for Different Audiences Audience What Can This Person Do, Specifically? Community Resident You always speak up for parents in our community, and we think you’d represent their views really well on our board. The community will benefit when we select programs together that are best for our kids and proven to work for what they need. Public System Leader Will you join our community board? Will you participate in our fund-mapping process? Would you like to learn how your system can get involved and improve outcomes? State or Local Policymaker Will you support reinvestment of funds from downsizing institutions into programs that are tested and effective, and part of Evidence2Success efforts that will help your constituents?
Protecting the Community’s Image Communicating Evidence2Success Protecting the Community’s Image The Community Review Committee was established to equitably include the community’s voice in the development and dissemination of published documents The committee provides feedback to ensure: Paper proposals and conference abstracts reflect community concerns, needs and priorities Research products are culturally sensitive and appropriate
Community Review Committee Composition and Roles Communicating Evidence2Success Community Review Committee Composition and Roles Committee members include: Two representatives from each Evidence2Succss sites Evidence2Succss Technical Assistance partners The Annie E. Casey Foundation staff The committee meets six times a year to review all research paper proposals and conference abstracts on a rolling basis on Evidence2Success data or site information. An assessment tool is used to approve paper proposals and abstracts for submission.
Community Review Committee Process Communicating Evidence2Success Community Review Committee Process To submit an abstract for a proposed journal article or conference presentation about Evidence2Success: Authors submit completed idea for an abstract – purpose, methods, analysis and expected results (or preliminary results). Lead author or a representative presents the abstract at a committee meeting. If the committee does not approve an abstract, it will provide the rationale for its decision. Authors may resubmit an edited abstract. Submit abstracts for CRC review to Dirk Butler ( and Lisa Gary (
Communicating Evidence2Success