KY CPE Initiatives MAY 03, 2017
Outline CPE Definitions Guiding Principles MOS Crosswalk MCMC Model Student Success Summit military panel Next Steps Acronyms: ACE-American Council on Education MOS-Military Occupational Specialty JST-Joint Service Transcript CPE-Council of Post-Secondary Education MCMC-Multi-State Collaborative on Military Credit
Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education The Council on Postsecondary Education is Kentucky's adult and higher education coordinating agency committed to strengthening our workforce, economy and quality of life. We do this by guiding the continuous improvement and efficient operation of a high-quality, diverse, innovative, accessible and affordable system of postsecondary education. GEARUP KY KY Adult Education Academic Affairs KY Virtual Library Innovation and E-Learning Licensure of Private Institutions Information and Research Policy Planning and External Relations
Definitions CPE worked with representatives from public institutions to create the following definitions: Military Active student– student currently serves in the U.S. National Guard, is on Active Duty in any branch of the U.S. military, or is in the Reserve unit of any branch of the U.S. military. Military Veteran student – student formerly served in the U.S. National Guard, on Active Duty in any branch of the U.S. military, or in the Reserve unit of any branch of the U.S. military, released under conditions other than dishonorable. Military Connected student – student’s spouse, parent or guardian is on Active Duty in any branch of the U.S. military or is in the U.S. National Guard or in the Reserve unit of any branch of the U.S. military.
Guiding Principles (1 of 2) Clearly communicate in their academic catalogs and web sites how military-related credit will be awarded. Maintain a database of course equivalencies for military training and military occupations that have been evaluated at the institution. Provide a rationale if there is a limit on the number of credits that a student may articulate into the institution or into a particular academic program. Consult the credit recommendations from the ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services and provide a rationale when credits awarded do not follow the ACE credit recommendations. Award credit for general education, prerequisite, and major courses when learning outcomes associated with the military training and occupational experience are equivalent to the learning outcomes of these types of courses.
Guiding Principles (2 of 2) Transcript only the necessary number of electives to meet graduation requirements if credit is not applied to specific general education, prerequisite, or major requirements to help protect students against excess credits that could negatively impact financial aid. Allow for the transferability of credit earned through military experience at one public institution to another public institution, subject to institutional policy on maximum number of transfer credits, to facilitate degree completion requirements. Appoint at least one individual to monitor military credit transferability. Provide academic advisors and admissions counselors with materials and professional development to help them meet the unique needs of military students and understand policies related to credit for military experience. Convene advisory groups of administrators, faculty, staff, and students to address issues that impact persistence and graduation of military students.
MOS Crosswalk Example 1 of 4
MOS Crosswalk Example 2 of 4 ACE KCTCS
MOS Crosswalk Example 3 of 4
MOS Rollup Example 4 of 4
MOS Crosswalk Partial Roll up
Multi-State Collaborative on Military Credit (MCMC) Partnership of 13 states Translate military training competencies into college credit Share best practices related to articulation of credit, certification and licensure, communication, and data and technology
MCMC Model: Minnesota
Rucksacks to Backpacks: Military Student Success 4 APR 17 Moderator: Gwen Hacker, Kentucky Community and Technical College System Panelists: Hannah Alojado, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College Robert Ireland, Murray State University Evan McCartney, Eastern Kentucky University Joe Matias, Murray State University Stuart Sullivan, Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
Next Steps MOS Crosswalk complete NLT May 16, 2017. Work with institutions to implement guiding principles for the awarding of college credit for applicable military training.