Timeline Milestone June 30, 2016 Secretary of Defense announcement. Directive-Type Memorandum 16-005 and DoD Instruction 1300.28 are released. Military Services undertake education of commanders, senior enlisted members, and medical care providers. Effect: Transgender service members may serve openly. October 1, 2016 The Department publishes the Commander’s Training Handbook, Medical Guidance, and Policy and Procedures for DEERS gender marker change. Effect: Military Services are required to provide necessary medical care relating to gender transition to serving transgender Service members in accordance with Medical Guidance and a Service member may request to change their gender marker in DEERS. July 1, 2017 Training of the force is complete and DoD and Service regulations, policies, forms, and protocols have been revised to enable full implementation of the DTM and DoDI. ALL elements of the DTM and DoDI are in full effect. Effect: Services begin accessing transgender members in compliance with accessions standards and the DoD and Service policies in place.