12th Biennial National Conference Choices that matter: ECI in a new era … Add your Title here 7-9 September, 2016 Melbourne, Australia
ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Families used to be allocated to us by the department…… Now they have to find us …….and decide which of our services (if any) they will take …..what the? Where do I start? ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Key Questions to Help Why? How & Who? What? How Much? ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Why? With most companies – we spend most of our time here Not so in your case… ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
How & Who? I am thankful for to all those who said “no”, it’s because of them that I did it myself Albert Einstein A few main options: Do it yourself Or get help Or a combination of the two Now HOW Much? ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Is Marketing an investment or a cost? The Chicken or the Egg? ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Pro Cons Predictable / accountable income Where do I find the money? Scalability Visibility (clients & sponsors) Online reputation Client retention Cons Where do I find the money? How do I resource? Here’s how we resolve this question with may of our clients Marketing Pros and Cons ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
(The Chicken or the Egg?) Percentage of Total Revenue (PTR) How Much? (The Chicken or the Egg?) Just Ask Set a Budget Crux of the challenge that we see many NFPs face…… How much to I spend How do I set my budget Who do I work with Chicken or the Egg – You’ve gotta spend money to make money…. Here’s the main methods….. Just ask – someone you trust preferably Just set a budget – on what you can afford PTR – most favourable method Percentage of Total Revenue (PTR) ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
What’s the economic value of a long term client? Take you through setting a budget or the PTR method A good driver for setting any budget? ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
to hold current position in a competitive environment 5% of revenue to hold current position 10% of revenue to grow 20% of revenue in a competitive environment PTR Method Who spends 10% on marketing? Who spends 5%? Are you in a competitive marketplace? This is the chicken and or egg you had better figure out ASAP, or adjust if you’ve already done it ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
$2000 per family in a competitive environment $10,000 Life Time Services 5% $500 per family spend 10% $1000 per family to grow 20% $2000 per family in a competitive environment A good driver for setting any budget? ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Specific fundraising campaign Seek a sponsor Staged activity How do I fund this? Specific fundraising campaign Seek a sponsor Staged activity Deferred payment (Digital Storytelling Model) A good driver for setting any budget? ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
What? Once you’ve figured out how much, or sometimes to help you figure our how much – you need to think about What? What am I going to do? What is going to drive potential clients to me? ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Who has heard of Simon Sinek? All about the why? OK for you guys The how and the what are probably harder questions to answer. Who’s Phsych? Why & how – Limbic Brain What – Neocortex Much of what we have seen in the space is all Neocortex – All what – not talking to the Limbic Brain You have the HOW You have the Why Now get the what right….. ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Be Human Not Clinical ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
The Consumer Journey Awareness Education Validation Sale ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Omni channel marketing strategy Integrate your physical assets, website with your content strategy, video social media, email & CRM ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
Embrace the Brave New World Mobile First ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
MOBILE 1st 3.1 Average number of connected devices used per person In Australia 65% of all online journeys begin on a smartphone
88% 16-24 94% 25-34 86% 35-44 Most Australian’s with an internet connection go online every day This is true across all ages 83% 45-54 72% 55+
VIDEO 30% of Australians watch online video to learn something new or learn about a product or service
ECIA 12th Biennial National Conference, Choices that matter: ECI in a new era …
49% Everyday 45% First thing in the morning Frequency of Australians using social networking sites 49% Everyday 45% First thing in the morning
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