April 26, 2017 Dunseth Auditorium, Harmon Hall 4:00 p.m.


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Presentation transcript:

April 26, 2017 Dunseth Auditorium, Harmon Hall 4:00 p.m. General Assembly April 26, 2017 Dunseth Auditorium, Harmon Hall 4:00 p.m.

The mission of the Lindenwood University Student Government Association is threefold. We are committed to amplifying the voice of students, upholding the standards set by administration, and providing campus leaders with the tools needed to build a diverse and thriving campus culture.

Meeting Opening

Speaker of the Senate



Hosted by Intervarsity Free Lemonade Stand Hosted by Intervarsity

Lemonade Stand Details When: Thursdays 09/07/17 and 09/14/17 Purpose: To give away free lemonade and cookies, and invite students to upcoming events Location: Outside of Spellmann clocktower Cost: Lemonade and Cookies $1.95 per person from Pedestal X100 = $195 each date for a total of $390 for two events Who: Everyone welcome!

Thank you!

Vice President



Carlos Martinez and Matt Carpenter Double Bobblehead On Saturday, April 29, 30,000 fans ages 16 & older will receive a one-of-a-kind Carlos Martinez and Matt Carpenter Double Bobblehead courtesy of SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. Be sure to collect your bobblehead and join in your very own post-home-run, water splash celebration!

Advisor’s Minute

Leadership Award Winners Lindenwood Student Government Association President Award: Regan Cole Outstanding Academic Organization: CJSA Outstanding Service Project: Delta Zeta’s Smooch a Pooch Outstanding Collaborative Project: CAB’s Winterfest Organization Advisor of the Year: Larry Quiggins, Nerf Alliance

Leadership Award Winners Rising Star Award: Phi Sigma Sigma Outstanding Social Activity: Nerf Alliance’s Human vs. Zombies Outstanding Academic Event: Gender Studies Club’s “Mars, Venus, or Planet Earth? Women & Men on Campus in a New Millenium” CAB Event of the Year: Late Night Breakfast Outstanding Residence Hall Program: Parker Hall Olympics Unsung Hero: Gerrica Johnson

Leadership Award Winners Diversity Program of the Year: BSU’s Black History Month Programming Involve U Most Valuable User: Nerf Alliance Most Supportive Student Organization: Phi Delta Theta Outstanding Organization Officer: Jacquelyn Olimpio, CSU Most Successful Fundraising Initiative: Delta Tau Delta’s Date a Delt Excellence in Promotions, Delta Tau Delta’s Recruitment Videos

Leadership Award Winners Service Hours Awards 8-14 Members: LindenScroll 15-29 Members: Alpha Phi Omega 30-49 Members: Phi Sigma Sigma 50+ Members: Delta Zeta Excellence in Student Governance Award: Greg Judge Emerging Student Leader of the Year: Posy Durr Student Leader of the Year: Kim Sommerkamp


Homecoming Theme

2017-2018 Gold Tier Catholic Student Union Nerf Alliance InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Alpha Phi Omega Lutheran Student Union Cru Black Student Union French Club Campus Outreach Delta Sigma Pi

2017-2018 Silver Tier Criminal Justice Student Association Psychology Interest Club LU Gay/Straight Alliance International Student Fellowship Phi Mu Alpha Alpha Psi Omega Psi Chi Kappa Delta Pi Sigma Alpha Iota Social Work Student Alliance Natural Science Club National Broadcasting Society Fellowship of Christian Athletes Collegiate Democrats LindenScroll InterCultural Experience Computer Science Asian Pop Culture Club Interactive Media & Web Design Advertisers Desiring Success

2017-2018 Bronze Tier LU Students for Life Delta Mu Delta Spanish Club Buddhist Student Association American Choral Directors Association Lindenwood University Student Athletic Training Organization Lindenwood Student Council for Exceptional Children Art History Association Lindenwood American Marketing Association Campus Organization Against Sexual Assault Creative Writing Club DECA Athletes in Action Accounting & Finance Club College Republicans Public Relations Club Latter Day Saints Student Association Honors Society Trial Team Redefining Beautiful Gender Studies Club X-Sci Public Health Student Association Lindenwood University Society of Professional Journalists Active Minds Non-Profit Student Association Circle K Association of Fundraising Professionals Young Americans for Liberty Swing Dance Club

Name Changes Any organization with LU in their name must change this for next year. Please email me with your preferred new name by June 1. If I do not receive a new name, I will choose one for you!  LU Gay/Straight Alliance LU Honors Society LU Student Athletic Training Organization LU Student Veterans Organization

Primary Contacts/Rosters Please notify Angie by June 1 who will be your Primary Contact. Angie will be wiping out rosters after June 1, leaving only the Primary Contact and Advisor. Critical this is up-to-date, as these are the only people who will be receiving emails over the summer.

Organization Re-Registration Per the LSGA Constitution, all organizations must re-register each year. Organizations can begin re-registering July 1. You’ll see a Register button on organization’s page in Involve U Person re-registering organization automatically Primary Contact. Must be complete by September 15.

New Business

Lindenwood Initiative for Suicide Prevention (LISP)

Sister Organization to Active Minds Who We Are Purpose-Raise awareness to the entire student body, faculty, and community members regarding suicide. Provide professional resources and education to any inquiring students and faculty members Sister Organization to Active Minds National Chapter is the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)

Big Concept It takes just one person to cause suicide, but more importantly it takes just one person to prevent it.

Goals Events. Will be working with as many organizations around campus as possible. Faculty members in the AT department, Greek life events etc. Speakers. Professional speakers from National Chapter and Megan M Foundation and our own members. Classes and Training. Seminars and training classes for how to handle suicide. Resources Available for students. Free counseling, Church info, Police and First Response/ CIT (Crisis Intervention Team), 24 hour hotline, LISP.

Details Free 2 Join, Free 2 Use. AFSP Benefits are fresh, emails, articles, seminars. Daytime Meetings are weekly. 3- Social, Community, Professional. 1 of each is required / semester. We want serious students. If you can’t find the time no worries! Just involve us with your organization!

Leadership Opportunities 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary of Events 4. Treasurer 5. Community Service Officer 6. Professional Events Officer 7. Student Government Representative 8. Social Media Director

Questions ? ? ?

👍👍 Thanks!

Lindenwood University Veg Society

Who We Are: We are a group of students that want to raise awareness of animals’ rights, veganism/vegetarianism, and global turmoil.

What We Want to Achieve We want to achieve in the university changes in the meal plans We want to spread awareness of animal rights We want to make the university more environmentally friendly. We want to support people that want to be vegan We want to make a friendly community for people that love the environment A more efficient campus-wide recycling system. .

What We Will Host We will bring a speaker to talk about veganism We will host tastings of decadent vegan desserts We will have the cafeteria to host a vegan event as well as Meatless Mondays We will bring in local speakers and professors to talk about the impact of the environment Make a trip to a farm.

Why Is It Important? We are living in an era where we need to bring consciousness to the ozone due to pollution, It is our time to make change right now. We can see now that climate change is affecting us. It is time to give compassion to animals and treat them right. Another point, a plant-based diet is going to bring health in a human being and it will help with the obesity problem in America.

Who Will We Work With We will work with St Louis Animal RIghts Team, Arch Vegans, and St Louis Animal Save,

Student Information We will meet weekly on Wednesday nights at 7PM in Evans Commons. President: Kwame Turner Vice President: Sarah Rodriguez Secretary: Augusta Camacho Treasurer: Azucena Hernandez LSGA Representative: Bethsaida Lopez 21 Members

QUOTE! “I chose not to make a graveyard of my body for the rotting corpses of dead animals.” -George Bernard Shaw

Constitutional Amendments

Rename organization to Lindenwood Student Government throughout entire document.

Article I, Section three, letter I, N: Remove “If necessary, any Executive Board member may appoint an assistant from the General Assembly for the purpose of assisting him or her in fulfilling the responsibilities of his or her position;”

Article I, Section three, letter II, F: Add to the duties of President “Coordinate meetings with the University President to provide updates on Lindenwood Student Government matters;”

Article I, Section three, letter II, J subscript i: Change statement from “Should there be no candidates that fulfill this requirement, than any General Assembly member having served a minimum of two semester prior to running for office may apply for President” to “Should there be no candidates that fulfill this requirement, then any student who has been a member of a student organization for a minimum of two semesters prior to taking office may apply for President.”

Article I, Section three, letter VI, E: Add to the duties of Speaker of the Senate “Coordinate meetings once a month with the Vice President of Student Involvement to give updates on bill and Senate progress.

Article I, Section six, letter IV: Add “Students-at-Large must attend the weekly General Assembly meetings, though two (2) absences will be granted per semester.”

Article I, Section six, letter V: Add “in good standing” to “A petition of student signatures will not be required for any Student-at- Large in good standing that wishes to maintain his/her status as Student-at-Large for the following year; however, a majority vote by the General Assembly will be required that year.”

Installation of New Officers

Two-Minute Announcements
